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Not Me, Myself & I (Day 8)

Today’s verse is another verse that I struggle with- not by choice, but because I have become “comfortable” with sin without even realizing it. In our modern world we see sin everywhere we look. It has become our “normal.” We live in a “christian” environment along with other “christians,” but are we acting like we love God? Do our actions prove it? Every time you meet someone new, do they walk away recognizing you serve a Mighty God? I am by no means saying it is easy to have ALL of our actions showing our love for God, but they should. We live in a world that teaches us to live for me, myself and I- but the Bible says otherwise.  Today’s verse we are called to surrender and obey God. Can you say the following words to God and mean them? Will you do it?

“I will obey your decrees;
do not utterly forsake me.”
Psalm 119:8

In order to be successful in following His decrees, you must turn to Him and be in constant prayer. I cannot stress enough the power of prayer. Today I challenge you to pray constantly and obey His decrees.


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