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Oh Christmas Card

Christmas card 2

Anyone else out there LOVE Christmas? This time of the year is filled with joy and the holiday spirit reminds us to focus on our blessings. Regardless of how wonderful or how difficult 2013 was, this time of year should be filled with praise for our God. He is good, regardless of our current circumstances.

The holiday season is always filled with so many traditions. One of my favorite traditions is the tradition of Christmas cards. {Because really, who doesn’t love getting mail?!} Growing up my family always sent out a Christmas card collage of our family from the past year along with a letter. I am excited that now Caleb & I get to do the same thing!

I love Christmas letters because they give us the opportunity to connect with friends and family who we haven’t gotten to see in a while. Prior to writing our own letter, I read a post about Christmas letters. This post explained that a Christmas letter should have 3 key points. One, your letter should give an overview of your past year. Two, your letter should have a prayer request. Three {and most importantly}, your letter should point the reader back to the Lord. After all, He is not only the reason for the season… He is the reason for life!

Earlier this month another blogger I follow, Katie of Hope Engaged, posted about her husband and her Christmas card tradition. And it is just too good not to copy! Each year they gather all of the Christmas cards they received and put them into a bowl or basket on the kitchen table. Each night they draw out a card or two and pray specifically for that family. Caleb & my home church also recommended doing this. What a blessing it is to use these cards to remind us to pray for our family and friends by name regularly as a couple. And for those with kids, what a great way to teach your children!  I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to miss this opportunity waiting in our mailbox. Our new Christmas tradition begins this year & we cannot wait to continue doing this for years to come!

“Every good and perfect gift is from above.”
James 1:17


Do you have any Christmas traditions?


p.s. I am excited to announce the site has been moved over to wordpress.org
& we now have Disqus for our comments!
The bad news, we lost all previously written comments… :(
But now we get to start making new memories and comments moving forwards- yay!




  1. Kathleen
    December 23, 2013 / 4:49 pm

    Love this! What a beautiful idea!! Definitely doing this next year :)

    • admin
      December 23, 2013 / 4:54 pm

      So glad to hear! You will love it! :) Be blessed Kathleen

    • December 23, 2013 / 4:56 pm

      So glad! You will love it :) Be blessed Kathleen

  2. December 24, 2013 / 12:32 am

    Such a good idea!!!

  3. Elizabeth Locke
    December 29, 2013 / 11:56 pm

    Such a beautiful couple and gorgeous Christmas card! I love Katie’s idea, too! xoxo

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