The past couple weeks community has been on my heart. I miss community. But what I miss the most about community is accountability.
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
While at the Kankakuk Institute, each student was paired up with a friend with whom we were to meet weekly. We could go for a walk, get coffee, grab lunch… anything we pleased. Regardless of what activity we chose, we had to be vulnerable. We had to dig deep. We had to share our darkest, most vulnerable moments. It was rough. But it was also one of the greatest blessings.
One question that we commonly asked was, ‘what is God teaching you right now?’ In this season of life, in this week, in this day- what is God teaching you? How are your current circumstances molding you more into His image?
During my off period at work a grabbed a cup of tea and spent time reading through my prayer journal. I love reading old prayers and recognizing how they have been answered- even when God answers them in ways I had not expected. Ever few pages the theme of my prayers changed. I could see what Abba was teaching me and how He was molding me. As I sat in my chair with my warm mug in my hand I pondered, what is God teaching me right now? I haven’t had someone ask me this question in quite some time. And I am embarrassed to admit, I struggled to come up with an answer.
Sure, Caleb and I talk about Jesus multiple times a day… But there is something about having a same-sex accountability partner who knows how a woman’s heart works- who knows how to ask the hard questions in a loving way. I miss intentionally meeting up with someone regularly purely with the intention of having these difficult conversations. Meeting to spur one another with love. Meeting to encourage growth- even if it gets messy.
It is so easy to glide through each day. I so easily check off my morning quiet time and our couples devotional and assume I am growing in Christ. But am I? This humbling moment with my prayer journal and tea reminded me that I cannot be growing if I can’t answer this question easily.
How do you make sure you are growing in Christ?
What is God teaching you right now?
Your words are always so open and honest! Thank you for that! It is hard to pin point exactly what the lesson I am in the midst of learning. But it’s something along the lines of caring for myself so that I can care for others. Reaching out to Him to help me be gracious and forgiving to others as He is to me. I hope you can find a friend to start meeting with again!
LOVE the lesson God is teaching you. What a beautiful reminder!