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One Month Countdown

Today marks one month before we move to Asia.
This week is also my last week of work here in Texas.
Thursday night Caleb & I will pack up our Uhaul
& early Friday we will begin our drive to Georgia.

The next month is going to be full- in every way possible.
Full of things to do/complete
full of traveling
full of family
full of friends
full of love
full of grad school
full of change

Friday we leave for Georgia to spend time with Caleb’s family.
Then I will fly up to NYC to spend some time with my parents.
We get back for a weekend class for our masters in Arkansas.
My grandparents fly in from SoCal & Florida for Easter.
We will then have a sending & celebrating party.
Then off to Asia we go.
{Oh, and while we are living in Asia
my parents are selling the home I spent most of my life in…
The home Caleb & I have called home for the past year… weird}

To say my heart & my head
are in a whirlwind would be an understatement.
But in the midst of all this craziness,
the Lord has blessed me with His perfect peace.
We have no doubt in our mind that the Lord
opened up the door to Asia.

Part of me is sad to see this chapter of our lives come to a close.
God has been so faithful & too good to us.
I will cherish these memories forever.
But I cannot wait to see what He has in store next.

Earlier this year I shared with you that my word for 2014 is give.
We started the year by giving tangible belongings & more of our time.
I cannot wait to see how we can give in this next chapter.
Abba has been preparing our hearts to give more. We are prepared to give our lives, our home, our time, and our hearts.

When I look back at my life,
I want it to be filled with memories that bring glory to God.
I yearn for my life to be filled with work for His Kingdom.
Because in all reality, what is life if we aren’t living for Him?
What is life if we aren’t walking in His Will?
What is life if we aren’t loving, serving, and doing?

Bob Goff says love does things.
I pray that my every action be driven by my love for our Heavenly Father.




  1. March 24, 2014 / 3:04 pm

    Oh I can only imagine all the thoughts and to do lists! I just hope you enjoy all the family time and this season of your adventure!

  2. March 26, 2014 / 3:30 pm

    Chloe, the story God is weaving in you and your husband’s life right now is so incredible. It’s amazing to see what He’s up to! I will pray for a blessed month ahead as you prepare for your trip and for a wonderful welcome in your new home.

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