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Peaks & Valleys

The book of Psalms reads exactly how my week (sometimes day) goes. There are days when all I want to do is sing songs of praise and dance around with joy because I recognize how wonderful our Savior is. Then there are other days when I wonder where He is and why He is not moving in my life the way that I think that He should be. What an encouragement it is to see that David, a man of the Lord, struggled with peaks and valleys just as I do. One of my favorite verses is James 5:17-

“Elijah was a man just like us.”

It is so humbling to read that these men and women in the Bible do not have super human strength and were not created with special conditions that made them less susceptible to sin. They chose to follow God- despite their human nature. In fact, we have it much easier than they did. We have the Holy Spirit. What a special gift!

Who are you going to live for today?


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