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My Full Pregnancy Overview

It’s official! Today is the day! Tonight we are headed to the hospital to be induced and we will soon be meeting our little man. He likely won’t make his actual debut until Friday since we are going into the hospital at 10 PM, but today is the day we begin our journey. I cannot believe 9 months have already passed and the day is here. How is it possible that it feels like yesterday we announced our big news and yet it also feels like I’ve been pregnant for years? And yet I still feel like I need a couple months to prepare for his arrival… Ha

I’ve received a plethora of questions while pregnant, so I’ve decided to share some of the questions and answers with you all here! You can also find my overview of each trimester here:

First Trimester Overview
Second Trimester Overview
Third Trimester Overview

How long were we trying before we got pregnant:
I’ve debated whether or not to share this since it can be a touchy subject, but have been asked the same question so many times by those wanting to start their journey, I’ve decided to give in. We knew we wanted to get pregnant in 2017 so I started taking prenatal vitamins in October 2016, despite the fact we knew we really wanted to get pregnant at the end of summer 2017 {due to a trip we already had planned for December 2017}. There are tons of benefits to taking prenatal vitamins prior to getting pregnant, so I decided to just start taking them really early. We weren’t actively trying or actively not trying. We decided we would start actively trying in July 2017. But the Lord just knew His perfect timing and we ended up getting pregnant in June 2017.

How I found out I was pregnant:
For about two weeks I kept waking up and telling Caleb I felt hungover, despite the fact we had not had anything to drink the night before. I was exhausted all the time and nauseous. But since we weren’t actively trying to get pregnant, I really didn’t give it a second thought. I just figured I was fighting something or had just over exerted myself.

The night before my last full day of work in the corporate world Caleb & I decided we should celebrate, so we went out and bought a couple of our favorite bottles of champagne to enjoy that weekend. The next morning I woke up and realized I was a few weeks late, but since I’ve never been like clockwork I didn’t really give it too much of a second thought. Caleb still recommended I take a test, just to be sure. Words can’t even describe how shocked I was to see those two pink lines. I was 7 or 8 weeks pregnant when I found out.

How did I tell Caleb we were pregnant:
I really wish I could say I had some really cute way of sharing the exciting news with Caleb, but unfortunately I do not. Ha I had such an adrenaline rush when I saw those two lines appear that I came running out of my bathroom in complete shock and just stared at him. Caleb literally had to hold me while I processed the news. He was giddy immediately and was grinning from ear to ear.

When do you plan on having number 2:
Ha. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve already been asked this question and Baby C isn’t even born yet!! Can’t a girl get a break?! However, my brother and I were 3 years apart and I loved that time distance. So ideally, that would be the goal. But who knows.

Why are you being induced?
I have the blood clotting gene, so once I hit full term the doctor wanted to get him out ASAP- for both his safety and mine. I’m being induced 7 days before my original due date.

Funny Moments:

At 32 weeks I woke in the middle of the night in bed in NYC literally thinking we were having an earthquake. Turns out Baby C was just having a serious dance party in my belly and it was shaking my whole body.

NYC is notorious for having small spaces. And restaurant bathrooms can really get tight. There have actually been a few bathrooms where I physically struggled to shut the door around my belly. Like literally, that small of a bathroom and that big of a belly.

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*photos take with my tripod



  1. Valerie
    March 8, 2018 / 7:12 am

    SO SO excited to meet him soon!

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