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Preparing for Goodbye


I cannot believe this year is coming to a close. Never in a million years would I have guessed that I would live in Thailand. I have yearned to live abroad since I was in sixth grade- but I always imagined my time abroad would be spent gallivanting around some posh city in Europe. I couldn’t have guessed it would be in Thailand, in the land of smiles and squatter toilets. Little did I know, this country would captivate my heart.

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While I would still love to live in Europe one day, I am beyond thankful God brought us to Thailand. We came to Thailand with one desire- our students. Growing up I had never dreamed of visiting Asia. It just wasn’t on my radar. Our sole purpose for moving to Thailand was not to travel, but to love on some students.

We literally began praying for our specific group of students in 2013. And now, almost a full two years later, my heart is breaking as we are beginning our goodbyes. To say I am heartbroken at the thought of leaving my 20 third graders is an understatement. I spent my weekend in tears, praying over each of these beautiful little souls by name. Praying into their personalities, dreams, and potential.

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I pray that the Lord used me to plant seeds. I pray we keep in touch. I pray they continue to grow- spiritually, mentally, and scholastically. I pray they know I love them and will continue praying for them. But above all, I pray they know their Heavenly Father loves them. I pray one day,  in the far off future, I will see them again in Heaven & we will celebrate at Abba’s table.

To me, teaching wasn’t just a way to live in Thailand. Teaching was a way I could build relationships with 20 impressionable students who needed to hear about Jesus. I pray I never take for granted the memories and lessons my students taught me here in Thailand.  I pray my students remember Jesus was loved by me- even if they forget me as a teacher. I pray they remember the love that was cultivated in our classroom. Love for our studies, love for each other, and love of our Heavenly Father.

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Who knows where we will be next or what we will be doing. But whatever our next step is, I pray we can feel His guidance and His presence as vividly as we have here. God’s hand was in every step, every memory. We poured out our hearts and souls into our students. We have loved them with every fiber in our body. I am confident the Lord was present in our classrooms and I could not be more thankful.

Thank you for all of your prayers and encouragement. This year would not have been possible without so many of you. Abba has showed up in BIG ways. Words cannot convey our thankfulness for each of you.

How sweet is this drawing my student Luktan drew?
Can you guess one of our Bible verses of the week?



We have had a plethora of people reaching out to us about our plans for the near future. We will be in NYC the beginning of April and SoCal the end of April. The first week of May we should have more solidified plans. But as of now, we will be in Texas in May then most likely Georgia & Florida around the June/July months. After that… only Abba knows! 



  1. March 2, 2015 / 8:24 am

    I hope the rest of your time there is the best possible! We are headed to NYC on Wednesday. Sound like we will miss you by about a month! I can’t wait to see what is next for you :)

  2. March 2, 2015 / 5:20 pm

    WOW, this must be so hard to wrap your head around leaving!! Thailand is such an incredible place, so glad you got a whole year to experience it. And I bet you made such a lasting impact on your students…they are so lucky to have had you for a teacher sweet girl!! Come visit in SoCal!! xoxo

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