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Be Proud of Your Life



What do you want to be remembered for?
When you look back, what do you want to remember?

Normally, I wait until December to begin thinking about goals and hopes for 2015. But this year I am far too excited to wait. 2015 is a blank slate and if I am being honest… I have NO idea what it is going to hold. Will we stay in Thailand or Asia? Will we jump to Europe? Will we return to America? Literally…no.idea.

But you know what? That is okay. God holds us in His hand. While I will have goals I can physically check off my list- I want to focus on goals that help me become more of who GOD created me to be. This week one quote has been on my mind.

“How you spend your time, is how you will spend your life.”

I want to look back on my life and smile. I want memories filled with love, acts of service, people, family, bravery, and the joy of Jesus. But what does that look like?

Bob Goff points out “the battle for happiness is fought on the pages of our calendars.” 

It is our choice how we fill our schedule. So in 2015, I want to cross off events that don’t matter. I don’t want to waste an hour a minute of my time doing something that does not draw me closer to the woman God created me to be. I am going to be intentional about filling my time with moments that matters.

You and I get to decide how we will spend our time. If we aren’t careful, others will decide how we spend our time for us.

“They say time is money, but that’s not true.
Time is life.
And if I want the fullest life,
I need to find fullest time
Ann Voskamp






  1. Jim Akers
    November 19, 2014 / 11:59 am

    Chloe, love your post! We are all free to choose and choices in the pursuit of service requires discipline over our calendars. I just posted a planning tool on my website and so interesting that the first two questions are, “Who do you want to be remembered by?” and “What do you want to be remembered for?” Powerful questions to wrestle with.

    • December 8, 2014 / 6:30 pm

      Love the planning tool!! What a great idea! Truly makes you sit and ponder life…

      • Jim Akers
        December 9, 2014 / 10:20 pm

        Chloe, glad you liked it. A few key questions are the key to getting our priorities straight. Looks like you have a good handle on it. Love for you to share it! You may like the upcoming posts on jimdakers.com – you might also be interested to know our focus for the upcoming launch of impactful notes is to give $1MM to the homeless, hungry and suffering. The first target is the fight against “human trafficking.” Love to have your voice join our work.

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