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Rejoice in Love

rejoice and be glad bbb

What are a few things that you are thankful for?
Start your day by making a list of things that you are thankful are.
{or at least come up with 3 blessings in your head right now}
Writing this list will bless your heart & will help start your day off right.

One thing I am thankful for are sunsets like this one.
Don’t you think  they are a thumbprint of God’s handiwork?

What is one thing you are thankful for today?

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  1. June 3, 2013 / 9:13 am

    I am thankful for the home God has provided for me and my husband. We may complain when this breaks or that needs to be replaced, but there are many people who don’t have near as much as we do.

  2. June 3, 2013 / 1:40 pm

    We are thankful for the gift of life, peace of mind and good health :) So much more to be thankful for, we’ll be here all day if we had to list them all. God bless :)

    • June 4, 2013 / 11:06 pm

      Love your list of things you are thankful for! So often it is the little things that we take for granted. So thankful for His renewed mercies each morning and for our health! Be blessed!

  3. inspireddaybyday
    June 4, 2013 / 3:45 am

    I’m so thankful for the freedom to meet as ladies today, in my home, for prayer and fellowship.
    I’m also thankful for your picture :) That really is a beautiful sunset!

    • June 4, 2013 / 11:08 pm

      Love this! You are right- it IS such a blessing to have lady Bible studies and fellowship! Those nights always hold a special place in my heart. And thank you, I really loved the sunset :)

  4. Robert Budd
    June 4, 2013 / 4:19 pm

    Thankful for my family and time together

  5. June 4, 2013 / 10:51 pm

    I am thankful for the relationships in my life. I have a loving husband, children, friends and family. Life is so much better when you can share it with others

    • June 4, 2013 / 11:09 pm

      All wonderful blessings! Couldn’t agree more with you- life IS so much better when you can share it with others. Be blessed!

  6. June 8, 2013 / 3:28 pm

    I am thankful for the opportunity God has granted me to live as His child. This is just GREAT. Thanks for this

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