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Second Sentence

Remember how we condensed the entire Bible into 20 sentences? Well today I am sharing a little bit more about the second sentence. And while I would love to take credit for this, I can’t. All of this information is from our speaker Mitch Maher.

   The Bible is 1 book that consists of 66 individual books.

The Bible is one book, for its very title The Bible literally means “the book.” But, this one book is made up of sixty-six individual books.

As one carefully considers the production of the Bible, taking note of its incredible unity despite its incredible diversity, it becomes evident that standing behind the multiple authors of these individual books is really only one Author of one Book.

Consider the Bible’s diversity:

  • The Bible was written over a period of fifteen hundred years.

Moses penned Genesis – Deuteronomy sometime around 1400 BC and the Apostle John penned Revelation sometime around 90 AD.

  • The Bible was written by over forty different authors from various walks of life.

Moses was a political statesman, David a shepherd, Solomon a king, Amos a fig-picker, Matthew a tax-collector, Luke a physician, Paul a rabbi, and Peter a fisherman.

  • The Bible was written in three different languages.

Most of the Old Testament was written in Hebrew, though some small portions were written in Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Greek.

  • The Bible was written on three different continents.

Different books of the Bible were written in Africa, Asia, and Europe.

  • The Bible was written in various moods.

David wrote many of his Psalms from the depths of sorrow as he fled for his life, while Solomon no doubt penned much of his work from the comfortable quarters of his kingly palace.

  • The Bible was written in various locations.

Moses wrote in the wilderness, David sometimes in a cave, Paul often from prison, Luke possibly on a boat, and John on the island of Patmos.

Yet, amidst all of that incredible diversity, from Genesis to Revelation the Bible demonstrates an extraordinary unity that leads to the conclusion that behind the multiple human authors of multiple books of Scripture, the Bible is one Book with one Author!



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