I’ve officially completed the second trimester and am well into the third trimester! So as this pregnancy comes near an end, I’m sharing the overview of my second trimester. You can see my first trimester overview here! You can also see my first pregnancy overview here, here and here!
Second Trimester Highs:
- Feeling Baby C kick. I started feeling “flutters” around 16 weeks and felt legit kicks around 17 weeks. It was so fun to have those little reminders of his presence during the day!
- Caleb feeling him kick. Caleb was able to feel Baby C around week 18 and you could physically see the movement around week 19!
- Getting my energy back. Around week 16 I started getting my energy back and stopped getting physically sick (although I still have to take my B6 & Unisom daily to keep morning sickness at bay)!
Second Trimester Lows:
- Morning sickness. Unfortunately, I am one of the lucky few who got to hold on to their morning sickness after the first trimester… As long as I take my B6 & Unisom I’m fine, but without it I’m still a mess.
- Back issues. Baby C must be sitting in a strange place because I pulled a muscle in my back really badly to the point I was on bed rest for 4 days and couldn’t hold Cayson for over a week. Praise the Lord we were near my parents because they took him for those days so I could rest and Caleb could work. This was my first time being away from Cayson for 24 hours. And once I was able to walk I got a few prenatal massages. Luckily, the spa near us had just re-opened (with mask restrictions and temperature checks), so I was able to get a few prenatal massages. They did wonders for my back! And the only person I saw the entire time at the spa was my masked masseuse!
Second Trimester Necessities:
- Pregnancy pillow. This pillow is literally life changing. Caleb encouraged me to purchase it right away this pregnancy and I kept delaying it. Silly me- it really is the BEST!
- Morning sickness tea. I’ve continued making a pot of this tea almost every day.
- Collagen Peptides. My doctor gave the okay to add collagen peptides back into my diet in the second trimester. It’s supposed to help with skin elasticity and adds a bit of protein to my morning coffee. I do have some stretch marks on my legs from college, but haven’t gotten any new ones on my belly or hips.
- Belly oil & moisturizer. I’ve been using this oil & this lotion together to combat stretch marks. I try do put them on twice a day, but usually oit ends up being every evening or every other evening. Again, I have no belly/hip stretch marks thus far, but am unsure if that is due to genetics, moisturizers, or the collagen peptides.
- Body exfoliator. I’m using this exfoliant on my face and this exfoliant on my belly/hips/tatas/thighs to help fight stretch marks.
- B6 & Unisom. I’m still taking this combination daily for morning sickness.
Second Trimester Cravings:
- Lemon Spindrift & Liquid IV. I am constantly thirsty, but water is still repulsive to me at the moment. So I’m drinking TONS of Spindrift & a Liquid IV every day {you can buy Liquid IV at Target or on their website with the code CHLOEBARNOLD for a discount!}
- Mangos & peaches. The first half of the second trimester I could literally eat multiple mangos a day. I just couldn’t get enough of them! The second half of the second trimester I was all about peaches.
- RX Bars. I genuinely wake up excited to eat an RX Bar for breakfast every morning. I’m loving this chocolate peanut butter flavor.
What do you think would be your pregnancy craving?
dress {non maternity- size down if not pregnant} :: shoes :: glasses

You look great! I remember the morning sickness, it was not fun at all.
Lucky for me I didn’t have any morning sickness with both pregnancies and the only thing I “craved “was salty starches. Hehe
You look amazing! I had no cravings with baby #1, chocolate and anything sugar with baby #2 (I didn’t really eat sugar before that) and pepper with baby #3 lol everything HAD to have pepper on it!
Congratulations on your pregnancy! You look beautiful! x
Too bad that the morning sickness is still with you in the second trimester! It is good that you are looking for all the positive things too. Good luck with the third trimester!
You look great! Love hearing how everyone’s pregnancy journeys are different. I hope your morning sickness passes soon!