While the Lord did create me to be a sun loving, beach girl- I do love the occasional snow (especially if we are going snowboarding and skiing). But due to the fact that it is now officially spring, I was disappointed to hear that Branson was going to be hit with snow this past Thursday. (We’ve had 5 months of cold… isn’t it time for shorts & tanks again?) Although I was hesitant at first I have fully embraced this beautiful snowy day. The snow has given my Husband and myself an excuse to do nothing but hit the gym and spend the day sipping coffee at Panera. Who doesn’t love cozying up in a corner booth, looking out the window at a fresh blanket of white snow, sipping a warm cup of joe, working, and searching for jobs? (Yes, we can literally work while at Panera. How blessed are we?!) It has been a beautiful, peaceful day. Have a blessed day!

God’s canvas & our current view

Goodness I love this man! :)
How did you find your job? Any tips or suggestions?