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So Good

My husband (goodness, I still can’t help but smile when I say that) and I are officially moved into our new home in Branson! And by home I mean “Cabana” since we are living on campus at the Kanakuk Institute which takes place at K-Kaui. Words cannot express how excited I am that we are spending our first year of marriage digging into the word with 47 of our new friends! I am so excited to begin sharing the things that the Lord teaches this next year with you all! Now that we are about to start getting on a fixed schedule I should start posting again regularly- sorry for the delay!

I am blown away by how much I have learned after only one month of marriage. One of which being how incredibly selfish I am as a human and a sinner. This is something I pray the Lord will quickly help me with so that I may better serve and love my husband and serve alongside him. But what I am most blown away with is God’s goodness. While I thought that I knew how well Caleb and I were made for one another, I really had no idea. The Lord could not have made Caleb any more perfect when it comes to loving me. God so obviously uses him to tangibly show me His love, grace and forgiveness daily. I pray that every wife feels the love of the Lord through her husband the way that I do through mine. (Ladies- if you are single, look for a man who loves you this way!) No one puts a smile on my face like my man. This month has been filled with more laughter and smiles than any other month of my life. God’s timing is good, His love is good and His Word is oh-so-very-good.

Praying before the ceremony & beyond excited upon being announced Mr & Mrs!

beyond blessed


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