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Summer Adventures

Summer Adventures

It officially feels like summer in NYC!! Anyone else beyond excited? Our fridge is officially stocked with summer fruit (yay for fresh berries!!) and I’m dreaming of summer adventures. Our month of June is a bit hectic- in the best way possible. In the coming weeks we will be spending weekends at the beach, attending the Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic and the Belmont Stakes, visiting family in Georgia, sailing on the Hudson River and having many, many picnics in Central Park. Follow along on snapchat for daily updates, photos and videos!

Now that we’ve hit 90 degrees, it’s officially time to put away the last of my winter attire and add a few new pieces to my summer wardrobe. I’m currently loving these dresses below and they might be sitting in my online cart… {Bonus- they are all under $25!} Don’t they look perfect to wear while sipping some mint & berry infused water or sparkling wine and watching summer fireworks?

Beyond blessed summer

red dress :: white off the shoulders :: blue dress }

I’ve also been perusing pinterest for the best summer treats, drinks, and activities! Picnics in the park have always been one of my favorite summer activities and I can’t wait to try new recipes this summer!

What are some of your summer favorites?

Summer Adventures beyond blessed Summer Adventures beyond blessed 2

Beyond Blessed Blog


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