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No Surprises


You know what I absolutely love? I love that nothing I do ever surprises God. Everything that happens in my life happens as part of God’s perfect plan, all in His perfect timing. Right now Caleb and I are traveling around Asia- soaking up every glorious bit of God’s creation. We are praying for direction in how the Lord wants to use us. What is His ultimate plan on how He will use our marriage and our lives to further His Kingdom? Right now, we know He currently wants us teaching and loving on our precious little kiddos in Thailand. But what about next? What about long term?

I come from quite the entrepreneurial family and Caleb the Lord has already begun to give Caleb and I an idea as to how He may choose to use us. So as we travel through Asia we are searching, doing research, and praying over these beautiful souls. My heart is at ease because I know that the Lord holds each of them in His hand. God knows every hair on their heads. I cannot do anything for this world on my own. God will open my eyes to His plan. I can have peace knowing that He will reveal His plan in His perfect timing. All I can do is prepare my heart, pray, and serve on person at a time. All we can do is pursue Him, pray for direction, & wait for His loving whisper.




  1. Amanda Lambrechts
    October 6, 2014 / 9:27 pm

    So perfect! I definitely needed to hear this! Sometimes life can be a little discouraging when we aren’t quite sure where we are headed in life. While I’m in graduate school right now, I find myself worrying constantly about what my next step will be. Instead, I should be trusting that God’s plan will unfold exactly as it is meant to.

    Thanks for this reminder! :) Safe travels, Chole!
    XO Amanda

  2. October 6, 2014 / 11:26 pm

    Love this quote!! amen sister!

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