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Making Things Happen

  • How to Set Good Goals

    Can you believe it is 2016 or that we are almost half way through January?! Where has the time gone? As most people do this time of year, I have spent…

  • Christmas from Thailand

    Christmas in New York City really is magical. The lights, the decoration, the celebrations… everything. While I adore Christmas in the city, my favorite Christmas was in Thailand. I miss our…

  • Give Thanks

    Thanksgiving is hands down one of my favorite times of the year. My family has always made a huge deal out of holidays- from the decor to the celebration. We have…

  • Living in the Waiting

    Anyone else a big fan of setting goals and making to-do lists? Something about cozying up at a table with a cup of coffee and a blank paper just fires me…

  • Change can be Beautiful

    “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” F. Scott Fitzgerald As the seasons began to change, my prayer was that my heart would change as well.…

  • A Table Experience

    Confession- I am lost in the kitchen. After a year of living in Thailand and eating out every day, a couple months of traveling around the U.S. visiting family, and the…

  • Authentic Community

    As I mentioned before, September I am focusing on allowing room for my heart to be changed. September is a month where fall makes its grand entrance- leaves begin to change,…

  • A Month of Change

    Happy first day of September!! Fall officially begins this month and while I’m not quite ready to say goodbye to summer, I am ready for a new season to begin. If…

  • Praying into Purpose

    Life in Thailand was filled with such obvious purpose. Each day my students and I started with our Bible verse of the week and God’s love for them poured through me.…