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Taking Risk

IMG_1360Risk. Over the past couple of days the Lord has been reminding me the importance of taking risks. The Lord has given me a heart full of big dreams. I want to make a difference in the world- even if that difference only impacts one soul. But making a difference requires taking risks.

It is time to stop wasting time. It is time to let go of the excuses.  It is time to be intentional. It is time to take that leap of faith. It is time to take risks.

Too often I find myself thinking ‘it would be easier if…” And you know what? I am right. There will always be obstacles. There will always be more “ideal” situations.  But the Lord put me here- with my circumstances.  I need to focus on what I can change, not on what I cannot change.

I’ve also learned the more risk is involved, the better the reward.  Some of life’s hardest/scariest choices lead to the grandest adventures.

Risk will never disappear. So it is time we face risk head-on.  Because you know what is scary than facing a risky adventure? Not pursuing your God-given passions. Not pursuing God’s Will for your life.

Let’s be brave together. Let’s take risks!






  1. July 8, 2014 / 9:23 am

    Such an encouragement Chloe! When I reflect on the decisions and moments that required taking big risks (big leaps of faith!) the results of them are by far the most rewarding. They have become the biggest blessings in my life. And to God all the glory! Thanks for continuing to share your heart!

  2. Amanda Jo
    July 9, 2014 / 10:56 pm

    Such a wonderful reminder, Chloe! I try to remind myself to step outside of my comfort zone and do things that scare me…but easier said than done! This post is so encouraging in helping me learn to take those leaps of faith in life!

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