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Do You Know Your Love Language?

Photo by Magda at Katie Donnelly Photography

Do you know your love language? My parents read ‘The 5 Love Languages‘ when I was younger and it impacted our family dynamic in the best way!

We all yearn to feel appreciated, valued, and understood by the people we care about. But we quickly learn in life, not everyone expresses or receives love in the same way. And that is why it is so important to know and understand the 5 love languages.

If you haven’t read the book “The 5 Love Languages” yet, download it immediately- it’s life changing and such an easy read! Dr. Gary Chapman developed the 5 Love Languages as a framework for understanding how people give and receive love. The book points out that everyone has a primary love language, or a preferred way of receiving love. And understanding and speaking others love language is essential for building and maintaining strong relationships.

So what are the 5 Love Languages?

  1. Words of Affirmation :: This love language is all about using words to express love and appreciation. People with this love language value compliments, encouragement, and kind words from their loved ones.
  2. Acts of Service :: This love language is focused on actions, rather than words. People with this love language feel loved when their partner does things for them, such as cooking dinner, doing the laundry, or running errands.
  3. Gifts :: This love language is all about tangible expressions of love. People with this love language feel most loved when they receive thoughtful gifts or surprises from their loved ones.
  4. Quality Time :: This love language is about spending time together and giving your undivided attention. People with this love language feel most loved when their partner makes time for them, listens to them, and engages in meaningful conversations.
  5. Physical Touch :: This love language is all about physical intimacy and touch. People with this love language feel most loved when they receive hugs, kisses, and other physical expressions of love and affection.

While everyone has a primary love language, it’s important to understand we all have the capacity to express and receive love in different ways. The key is to communicate with your loved ones and understand their love language so you can show them love in the way that they most deeply appreciate.

I highly encourage you to take 5 minutes and really ponder both your own top love language and your family/friends love languages! Then make it a goal for today to love each person based on their specific love language. If you are struggling to pinpoint one love language, there are dozens of online quizzes you can take to help!

Learning and speaking your loved one’s love language can strengthen your relationships and create deeper, more meaningful connections! Trust me, you’re going to love how this impacts every relationship in your life!

What is your love language?



  1. Chelsea
    April 27, 2023 / 6:12 pm

    I read this book YEARS ago and loved it. But honestly haven’t thought about it in quite some time. I wonder if it’s possible for your love language to change over time?

  2. Blair
    April 30, 2023 / 12:01 am

    Mine is definitely acts of service or quality time!

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