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The Slight Edge

Have you ever noticed how much your mood changes depending on who you are surrounded by? I have recently been going through a book called “Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson which has inspired me to start being much more intentional about many little details in my life. These details vary from how I spend my time, to the foods I eat, to the company I keep and more. Olson’s book encourages the reader to make choices that will give them a ‘slight edge.’ He believes that by consistantly making a plethora of seemingly insignificant choices over the course of time one has the ability to achieve great things.

This past weekend I was blessed with the opportunity to go to breakfast with one of my favorite young women in the world. Every time that I speak with her I leave inspired, encouraged and so filled with joy. After spending time with women like her I feel as though I truly can impact the world. She is the kind of friend that you want to be around all of the time.

In Olson’s book he states that you can tell a lot about an individual by looking at his or her five closest friends. Olson says that ones morals, level of health, income/finances, attitude, personal development and more are directly related to those who are closest to you.   He calls this the “Law of Association.” He brings up the quote “birds of a feather flock together,” stating that you flock with those who are like you and with whom you are traveling to the same destination. Are you headed towards a destination you want?  What kind of people do you find yourself surrounded by? Are you the kind of friend to others that you want to be surrounded by? Find a friend and be a friend that will encourage others to achieve great things!

 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.
Proverbs 13:20

And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.
Luke 6:31 


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