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The Thing that Distinguishes Success

success is

The Lord has filled my heart with huge dreams and big ambitions. As these dreams are beginning to come to fruition He has continued to teach me how to handle success and setbacks. A few weeks ago I read Blake Mycoskie’s book “Start Something That Matters.” While there are many inspiring quotes and great lessons throughout the book, there were a few pages I marked that I thought were worth sharing. The words below are just one of the many lesson’s the Lord has been teaching me recently.

“Setbacks and fear are inevitable. The thing that distinguishes the ultimate successes from the ultimate failure is this: What do you do with them?

This is the moment when too many people turn back, give up, or start thinking of excuses for or explanations of why they should call it quits. I completely understand this instinct. 

Fear is one of our most powerful emotions, and the more we focus on it, the more it grows and distorts our behavior. But there’s a way through it. Instead of focusing on the fear itself, which you cannot control, focus on what you can control: your actions.”

I do love this tip. Focus on what you can control- you actions. But I would also add prayer. Prayer changes things. Prayer impacts things.

Through setbacks and success, focus on what you can control and leave it all up to God. He has the ultimate control.

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  1. June 26, 2013 / 3:03 pm

    Chloe, you highlighted what Blake Mycoskie said and it is nice. But I believe there was a part that was far more profound and inspiring that that and the phrase said “Through setbacks and success, focus on what you can control and leave it all up to God. He has the ultimate control.”
    This is so powerful, so inspiring, such a blessing..!! Highlight it, bold it, enlarge it, but don’t let this statement be missed and the blessing that comes with it!

    • June 26, 2013 / 3:21 pm

      Thank you. I agree, I did like what Blake had said. But he was definetly missing the most important part- God. So thankful that He has ultimate control! Be blessed :)

  2. Tristine
    June 26, 2013 / 10:42 pm

    What an incredible post. Thank you so much I love all the quotes but yes that last one particularly really resonated with me. Thanks for sharing. By the way, I love your picture. :)

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