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More Time for Joy


{Newport Beach, June 2013}

You may or may not know this about me, but I’m a planner.  This is both a blessing and a struggle. I love knowing what is coming and I love to plan out every detail. While this is often very helpful, it also causes me to live in the future- not the present. 2013 was incredible! But I spent more time than I would like to admit looking to the future and what is to come. In 2014 it is my goal to focus on only planning what is important. Because in reality, planning is not living. Loving is living. I want to plan more time to be quiet before Jesus, more time to grow spiritually, more time spent in ministry, more time in my relationships, more time sharing.

Over the past 10+ years I have spent so much time planning what I thought my future should look like. And regardless of my plans, God’s plans always trump mine. So this year, I will focus on planning things that will further God’s mission for my life. And after that, I am leaving more time for adventure and spontaneity.  I’m pledging to plan less, worry less, and to stop living in the future. This year is to be filled with laughter, love, silliness, relationships, Jesus, and things that matter- really matter. I want fewer distractions and more deep, meaningful conversations and evenings filled with laughter. I want to take risks for what matters most. We only have 362 days left in this year and I want every hour, every minute, and every second to be filled with more love and joy and happiness than imaginable.

This is one of my goals for 2014. I’m clearing the clutter and distractions and making time for what matters most. I want to do more things that stir my affections for the Lord and fewer things that steal joy. We get one life, and I want to make the most of it! :)





  1. Denise Lopatka
    January 3, 2014 / 3:20 pm

    love this post chloe!!! this is so so true and this is definitely one of my goals for 2014 too. ps – im thinking you need to join me at MTH in March!! :) xoxo

  2. January 3, 2014 / 6:13 pm

    And you can do it! I understand the planning thing. I am there with you, but I am slowly learning He has bigger/better plans than I could ever make!

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