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25 Tips for Traveling with a Baby

Cayson is almost 5 months old and he has already been to 3 countries and 6 states. He has taken 12 flights, 1 train ride, and 1 long road trip. So it’s safe to say we’ve learned a few things about traveling with a baby along the way! I’ve received dozens of requests asking for tips when traveling with a baby, so I’ve put together 25 tips for traveling with a baby!

Airport Necessities

1.) Favorite travel items for the airplane :: We always brought our Dockatot when Cayson was under 5 months, Magic Merlin Sleepsuit when he was under 4-5 months & his Hushh sound machine. If we have a seat for Cayson we also bring our car seat. And these pacifiers are the best because they have covers that keep the actual pacifier part clean at all times. You will also want baby friendly wipes, a changing pad or two, and a few blankets (one for playing on the ground and one for actually snuggling your baby). Some people also suggest noise canceling headphones, but we haven’t tried this yet. I personally also like to have an extra bottle or two of breast milk just in case Cayson gets fussy {under 1 years ikd}. When all else fails and he is screaming but won’t breastfeed, we bring out a bottle and he is instantly soothed. Once Cayson was over 1 we stopped putting him in his car seat during the flight. We tried his car seat once after he was mobile and it just didn’t work. He prefers sitting on his own or sitting in our lap.

2.) White onesies :: We always travel with multiple white onesies just in case of a blowout or major spit up. Trust me, the LAST thing you want to carry in your carryon is a dirty onesie. I buy these because they are so cheap & I don’t feel guilty about throwing them away mid travel. I always keep at least 2 or 3 extras in my bag while traveling.

3.) Don’t bring baby shoes on the airplane :: Baby shoes are cute, but they fall off far too easily. Don’t put them on when flying unless your child is walking. If your little one isn’t walking yet, save the shoes for when you arrive.

4.) Carry on :: First off, check as much as possible. You don’t want to lug a ton of items around the airport. But in your carry on definitely be sure to pack an extra outfit for you and the baby. Also pack your normal diaper bag necessities. You want to physically carry as little as possible onto the plane so you can put all of your attention on your baby, not on your “stuff.”

5.) Stroller & Car Seat :: We travel with our Babyzen YOYO+ stroller and our Chicco car seat. If Cayson doesn’t have his own seat on the plane we check the car seat. The YOYO+ folds up super small and fits into the overhead bin.

6.) Getting through Security :: Start by asking if they have a stroller line- this helps SO much! If you don’t have TSA pre-check, keep your laptop in the base of your stroller so it is easy to get out when you go through security. TSA will make you carry your baby through the scanner, so keep this in mind if your baby is about to fall asleep in the stroller- you WILL have to pick him/her up. Also with a baby you CAN bring liquids through {milk, juice, etc.}

7.) Seats :: If you are flying with another person, book a window and an aisle- even if there is a middle seat. The hope is that no one books the middle seat and you can put your car seat with the baby in the middle seat. If someone does book the middle seat, trade your aisle seat for the middle seat so you and your spouse can sit together. If you are breastfeeding, you definitely want a window seat so you can kind of hide and be a bit more private as you feed. I also love this cover when breastfeeding in public. When you get to the gate, ask the attendant if there are any extra seats and if you could have the extra seat for your baby. The worst they can say is no! Caleb & I also love the bulk head. We put a blanket on the ground and let Cayson sit on it and play. It gives him a little extra space and gives us some empty lap time.

8.) Take-off/Landing :: I always breastfeed during take-off to help with the air pressure change- although it never seems to bother him. During landing he is normally asleep and sucking on his pacifier. Now that Cayson is older I like to give him water or a snack for take-off and landing, just in case his ears get bothered.

9.) Board early :: You get to board early with a baby and it makes life so much easier! Get your carry-ons put away and get cozy in your seat. I also THOROUGHLY wipe down the seat and window/wall. Airplanes are dirty and Cayson touches everything. This helps avoid SOME germs at least.

10.) Avoid layovers :: I personally, don’t love layovers with a baby. It’s so much easier just flying direct. If you do have a layover, make sure you have at least 40 minutes. If you gate check a stroller or car seat you have to wait for them to bring them to the gate, then go to your next gate and check the car seat/stroller again. I personally make sure I have at least an hour. Because let’s be honest, the only thing worse than missing a flight, is missing a flight with a baby.

11.) Backpack diaper bag :: Backpack diaper bags are a MUST when traveling. They make life SO much easier!! I love my Azaria & my Fawn backpacks.

12.) Don’t use the water on the plane :: The water on the plane is apparently purified with chemicals, so don’t wash your baby items with airplane water.

13.) Request a bassinet :: Some airplanes have bassinets that attach to the wall on the airplane. Ask your airline if they have any bassinets you can use on your flight!

14.) Wear something breastfeeding friendly :: I wear a button down dress or top when I travel because they are so easy to feed in!

Once You’re there

15.) Hotel or Home :: When possible, I tend to prefer renting a home over a hotel. I love having the extra space for Cayson because let’s be honest- when we are home we don’t spend most of our time in our bedroom, so why would I want to spend all our time in a bedroom on vacation? If you do book a hotel, try to find one with a living space or area you can designate for the baby. Also, make sure you are centrally located and have a great view.  Bonus points if you have a balcony! You will be spending more time in your hotel/home then normal- between naps and earlier nights in. You will want to be closer to the locations you want to visit so you can easily pop-in and pop-out.

16.) Eating out :: Eat early. Cayson’s last feed is 8 PM and he goes to bed around 8:15 PM. So we love having a big lunch out and a smaller, early dinner at night. And people are far less concerned with a fussy baby in the afternoon then they are at night. Quite honestly, it’s cheaper too! Or we would just eat a big breakfast and then have a much earlier dinner. We love buying food and drinks to enjoy in the home while Cayson sleeps. Plus, if you rent a place with a great view, it feels so luxurious. When in Positano some of my favorite memories are of us sitting on our balcony overlooking the city while Cayson slept

17.) Elevators :: Remember, not all locations have elevators. ESPECIALLY in Europe. Make sure you either rent a place with an elevator or be prepared to lug everything up and down every time

18.) Time zone :: Each time we’ve flown to Europe with Cayson we’ve taken a red eye. Before he was 1 he slept beautifully in his car seat, now not so much. Check out this post for more tips on dealing with time changes with a little one.  But pretty much just try your hardest to just adapt right away. We follow a decently strict schedule and just keep with it when we travel. I really think continuing with our normal schedule helps a TON!

19.) Wear your baby :: We’ve found there are a plethora of places where strollers aren’t exactly user friendly. Especially in Europe. When traveling with a little baby I tried to wear Cayson as much as possible. He loves being carried. If your baby is small enough, baby wearing is a great way to determine whether or not the stroller is practical in your destination. We love our MiaMilly {it’s ergonomic AND has pockets/zippers} and our WildBird sling {it’s light & perfect for the heat. and it rolls up & fits in the diaper bag easily}.

Tips for Traveling with a Baby


20.) Bring your pump :: I always travel with my pump {when breastfeeding}. You never know when you won’t be able to feed. It’s always better safe than sorry.

21.) Other health essentials :: I always bring these items with me as a safety precaution- Baby Tylenol, thermometer, nail clippers, nose Frida, baby saline spray, baby soap/shampoo, baby hand/face/body wipes.

22.) Don’t pack too many diapers :: Save space in your bag and buy diapers when you get to your destination. Or even better, order them on Amazon and have them sent in advance!

23.) Find local doctors :: I always find a local doctor or pediatrician when we travel. I find their contact information in advance, just in case. Better safe than sorry!

24.) Bring snacks for yourself :: I get hangry… Anyone else with me? The last thing you need when traveling is a fussy baby and a hangry momma {or dad}. I always keep a few Lara bars in my diaper bag just in case.

25.) What’s in our Travel Diaper Bag

changing pads
Breastfeeding & Car seat cover
2 Muslin blankets {one to play on the ground & one to cuddle him in}
pacifiers & pacifier clips
Baby carrier
Baby sling
Extra white onesies
Extra baby socks
Extra baby pants
Zip lock bags {you never know when you will need them}
Hand sanitizer/disinfecting wipes
Baby Tylenol
Nasal Saline Spray
Nail clippers



:: You are on vacation- HAVE FUN! Sure, your baby may fuss a bit… But keep in mind everyone was a baby once and most people are extremely understanding. Hold your head high, attend to your baby & make memories. Take things slow and try not to stress. You’ve got this!!

Tips for Traveling with a Baby

Holiday top {only $25!!!} :: skirt {only $17} :: scarf Taittinger, similar here, here & here

pin this image & save it for later!



  1. Robert Budd
    August 4, 2018 / 11:44 am

    Pop pop on vacation is a must!

  2. ashley hargrove
    August 5, 2018 / 12:03 pm

    This is seriously such a great and informative post. I don’t even have kids but I feel like I’m going to be wanting to read this post again when we do! Definitely bookmarking!

  3. Brooke
    August 5, 2018 / 12:38 pm

    Not at all relevant to me and my life lol BUT I will be referring back to this at a later time ;)


  4. August 5, 2018 / 4:01 pm

    Cayson is the sweetest baby! Loving all of your pics here. Filing this one away for one day!

  5. Nataly
    August 5, 2018 / 4:21 pm

    These are some great tips! I will be sharing this with my mom friends!

  6. August 5, 2018 / 9:48 pm

    these tips sound excellent, sounds like you figured it all out!

  7. August 6, 2018 / 12:23 pm

    Ok wow! So many great tips here! Definitely saving these for down the road when we have kiddos!

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