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Twenty Five & Silver

Today is a glorious- silver day! Today is silver because it marks the 25th anniversary of the day my sweet parents said ‘I do.’ Words cannot convey how thankful I am to have two parents who love the Lord and have faithfully devoted their lives to one another. They have raised our family to do our best to walk obediently unto Him and to serve Him in all circumstances. By watching them as an example I have learned what it looks like to serve alongside a spouse and to love another sinner unconditionally. Their marriage has always been different from the “average” marriage and I have always prayed that one day I would have a marriage similar to theirs. The Lord’s hand is so evident in their lives together. Regardless of where the Lord brings them (from starting their lives together and beginning their family in Newport Beach, California… raising a family in Dallas, Texas… and now uprooting and moving to New York City) they always support one another and go with happy hearts. They are each others best friend, support system, encourager and enjoy every moment that is given to them. I am so blessed to have them as role models as I am about to enter a marriage of my own next month. This bride & groom still have that ‘honeymoon glow’ and are more in love now than they were 25 years ago. What a blessing and glorious day to celebrate!

Thank you Jesus for the gift of marriage! I pray that the legacy of commitment, faith and love will carry on for many generations. Happy anniversary to my sweet parents- I love you both!



  1. Valerie
    July 11, 2012 / 9:48 am

    Thank you for the wonderful comments! Dad and I appreciate your inspiration. Helping you put the details together for your wedding has helped me reflect on our wedding as well as preparation 25 years ago, even laugh about our “27 Dresses ” look of our Bridesamaids dresses! Thank you again for the best wishes.
    Love, Mom and Dad

    • July 11, 2012 / 10:59 am

      So thankful for the example that you two have been. Love you both

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