10   37
20   70
0   1
6   57
21   75
0   1
5   80
0   4

What If

Life is a beautiful thing. Yes, we all encounter trials and tribulations but overall we are blessed far more than we deserve. My dad always reminds me of his favorite quote by Charles Swindoll, “Life is 10% what happens to you & 90% how you react to it.” 

Through these experiences we need to learn to choose joy and be thankful. God tells us in his love letter to us

Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you
-1 Thessalonians 5:18 

Recently, I have found myself being convicted at the most unexpected times. Tonight this occurred as I was stumbling through Pinterst. There are a plethora of Bible verses which tell us to give thanks, but how often do you find yourself actually doing it? Why is it that we don’t thank the Lord for our blessings more frequently? Do we not find it important? I don’t think that God would tell us to give thanks if He did not think it was important.

What are your thoughts about the question below. What would you be left with?


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