Anyone else have a sweet tooth? I think my sweet tooth grew in about 3 years ago (and with it came my love of many other unhealthy foods). And being a newlywed has not helped kick these newer eating habits. It wasn’t until about a month ago that I decided that it is time to bite the bullet and get serious. My sweet friend Becky began doing the Whole30 a month ago and has been raving about how it changed her life and how great she has felt ever since. So, on May 5th I started day 1 of my challenge. While I would love to be able to do the full 30 days, my husband and I leave for California later this month. And if I am being honest, I don’t want to restrict my diet on vacation. So I will only be doing 20 days- but hey, you have to start somewhere right? So far I have been going strong and am already loving how I feel!
Previous to starting the Whole30 my allergies did not have the same love for Spring that I do (who doesn’t love all of the brightly colored flowers & the sound of birds chirping?). Now that I have cut out dairy and glutton my body is feeling great! My allergies are clear, my body feels energized, and I am sleeping soundly. Has anyone else done the Whole30 challenge? Any tips or favorite meals?
Read more about the Whole30 here.

I think I need a black and white cookie.
Well you can eat one for me- or bring one to California to share ;)
Mustard-glazed turkey thighs are delicious and super easy; they’re one of my go-to meals if I need to cook mid-week (my prep Sundays aren’t always fruitful if a good baseball game is on and/or the weather is nice). The glaze is 1/4 c coconut oil, two tbsp Dijon mustard, and salt & pepper to taste. Bake 1.5 – 2 lbs of glazed thighs at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 40-45 minutes.
That sounds incredible!! Thank you for the fun suggestion! :) Can’t wait to try it! Be blessed!
Check out . That is where I’m getting most of my recipes.
Thanks for the tip!! Any favorites?