10   37
20   70
0   1
6   57
21   75
0   1
5   80
0   4

Thank You

It is officially summer, my favorite time of the year. Today as I was driving I realized that almost exactly a year ago I arrived at Kamp for the first time. As I reminisced over the past year, I came to the conclusion that it has been the best year of my life. The Lord has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams. If you would have told me that on May 19, 2010 my life would change forever, I probably would have laughed and just continued with my day. Little did I know that that day I would meet my future husband and begin to fall completely in love with our God in a way I had never experienced. This year the Lord has taught me to better love my friends and family (current and future), allowed me to transfer from Florida State to University of Oklahoma, join two women’s Bible Studies, join a Precept Bible Study with 12 grandparents, meet a plethora of godly men and women, meet and become engaged to the most godly man of my dreams, and so many other things. But most importantly, the Lord has renewed and deepened my love for Him.

Thank you everyone who has been apart of this journey with me! I am so blessed to have each of you in my life.

How have you been blessed in the past year?

How can you bless someone this next year?


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