Do you ever have one of those days where you long for more? If only I were able to achieve ______ or do ______ or __(fill in the blank)____. The options are endless. As much as I try to ignore these thoughts, they remain on my mind. It’s been a week where I long to feel chosen, yet I feel as though I am too much and not enough at the same time.
I’ve been praying through these insecurities this past week and the Lord continues to sweetly whisper 1 Corinthians 1:7 into my heart. “You do not lack any spiritual gift…” You are enough. Right now, as you are.
He created us in His perfect imagine and blessed us with every spiritual gift. We may be humbled and broken, but we are perfect and redeemed. We have already been chosen. The fight has already been won. It’s time to let go of insecurities and cling to the Truth.
styling :: Tandem Events
flowers :: La Fleur du Jour
dress :: BHLDN
Hair :: Pinned & Proper