The First Step to a Good Story

“The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
Lao Tzu

Each day we write another page in our life story. Each decision we make, each activity we choose to partake in- it all plays a part in the story we tell.

Donald Miller wrote, “if a story is just life without the meaningless scenes- I wonder if life could be lived more like a good story in the first place. I wonder whether a person could plan a story for his life and live it intentionally.” 

Most good stories don’t happen by accident, they are planned. Think about the people who inspire you. What is it about their lives that captivate you? I’m guessing their lives tell a good story- a story of adventure, a story of love, a story of whimsy.

Today, let’s be intentional about taking the first step. Let’s choose to make our life tell a good story.

Can you think of anyone who is living a good story?

Beyond Blessed Blog

p.s. if you need more inspiration about living a good story, read
Bob Goff’s book Love Does”
Donald Miller’s book “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years”



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