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10 Ways to Use Baby Wipes

Prior to having a baby, I had no idea how useful baby wipes were. After carrying baby wipes with me for a year, I’ve officially begun to believe they are like magic. I use them for everything! They are a secret weapon moms and non-moms should all carry with them at all times.  Here are 10 ways to use baby wipes in every day life.

  1. Wipe down restaurant tables :: We use our Huggies wipes to clean off the table and high chair when we go out to eat. While restaurants do wipe down the tables after each guest, I know Cayson is going to touch every part of the table and the high chair. And after touching everything, Cayson will then proceed to put his hands in his mouth. I know he’s a baby and germs happen, but I like to do my best to limit just how many germs end up in his mouth. We also use the wipes to clean up the table and ground AFTER he eats. He’s messy and we have a few go-to restaurants we like returning to- so we always try to leave our space cleaner than we found it.
  2. Clean hands & face :: We use them to clean both Cayson’s hands and our own hands. We wipe our hands after taking the subway, before and after we eat and as a mid-afternoon random clean. NYC has germs everywhere, so we like to simply wipe down our hands a few times a day to “start clean” again. We also wipe Cayson’s face after he eats.
  3. Wipe down swings at the playground :: Cayson loves being outside- and so do we! We love going to the park. But when we do, I like to wipe the swing down before putting Cayson in it. Somehow, everything finds a way into his mouth, so at least if I wipe the swing I know it is somewhat clean.
  4. Clean up our stroller :: Strollers get dirty- from sand at the beach, dirt at the playground, life in NYC or food on the go. We use our Huggies wipes to clean up every now and then.
  5. Wipe down shopping carts :: You never know who used the shopping cart last or when it was last cleaned. Somehow Cayson’s mouth and hands always end up all over the handle, so we wipe it down before we put him in the seat.
  6. Clean Crayon marks :: Use baby wipes to remove crayon markings on surfaces where they shouldn’t be.
  7. Toys :: Toys need cleaning- especially when they are shared toys. We wipe down toys when we go to music class and we wipe down our own toys at least twice a week- just to be on the safe side!
  8. Clean baseboards :: Use wipes to clean up baseboards so your baby doesn’t touch it and put dirty wipes in his/her mouth.
  9. Wipe down handles :: Wipe down door and cabinet handles. Between adults and babies, handles get so dirty!
  10. Diaper changes :: It wouldn’t be a list of 10 ways to use baby wipes without the classic use.

Get your wipes at Walmart and click here for a discount!

Find another way we use diaper wipes here!


***Thank you Huggies for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.







  1. Chelsea
    April 11, 2019 / 10:21 am

    Oh my goodness he is so cute!!!! Looks like you might need a dozen wipes to clean up this mess ha

  2. Brooke
    April 28, 2019 / 5:33 pm

    haha yes! so many good reasons for wipes!

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