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14 Reasons Why You Should Travel with a Baby

When Caleb and I were married, we knew we wanted to prioritize travel when setting our budget. And our 6 years of marriage prior to Cayson’s birth were filled with travel- near and far. Caleb and I had always talked about and dreamed about the day we would get to show our future kids the world, but we never dreamed sharing the world with our baby would be as magical as it is in reality.

If I am being completely honest, I’m not sure I would have been brave enough to book our first trip with a 2 month old baby. Luckily, our trip to Bermuda was already booked prior to us learning we were pregnant- so we decided to bite the bullet and give it a shot! And I’m so glad we did! While about 7 months pregnant, yet another trip presented itself. When a trip to Venice came our way, we couldn’t say no- even though our baby would be turning 3 months old during the trip. Again, I’m so glad we said yes!

If you are pregnant, I highly recommend booking your first trip with your baby before he/she arrives! Having a baby will change your world in the best way possible, but the idea of traveling with a baby can be terrifying. If your trip is booked before your world changes, then you will be forced to travel- despite any fears. And trust me, it will be SO worth it!

So why should you travel with a baby? Well let me tell you!

1.) It will help make them adaptable :: If you’ve ever traveled, you likely know that plans change and the unexpected happens. As a traveler, you just have to go with the flow. By traveling with kids or babies, they have to learn to adapt. From big changes to little changes. We follow a decently strict schedule, but sometimes schedules are meant to be broken. Traveling helps us to all grow and adapt.

2.) The experience will change them :: I grew up traveling with my family and it infinitely impacted the way I see the world.  I love introducing Cayson to new cultures, foods, languages, etc. We get so used to our lifestyle, but it is so fun to introduce him to other ‘normals.’ These experiences will help influence his perspective, just as they did me!

3.) Focus on the present :: So often we are distracted by our phones, emails, laundry, dishes, etc. But traveling helps get you out of your routine and focus on the present.

4.) Memories :: Some of my favorite memories as a kid were spent on vacation with my family. We all traveled together so well that as I grew older, I would forgo trips with my friends and would genuinely choose to go on trips with my family. I yearn for my kids to have that experience with us.

5.) Kids under 2 fly free :: Take advantage of it! Set the kids on your lap! Keep in mind, if you are flying internationally you do have to pay the tax for a ticket.

6.) People embrace babies :: I can’t tell you how many people we met {locals & travelers} simply because they wanted to say hi to Cayson. And because we met these other people, we were introduced to some of the best restaurants and local treasures.

7.) Experience destinations in a new & different light :: There is something special about seeing a destination for the first time. And even more so, seeing a destination through the eyes of a child. Seeing the world through the eyes of your little one adds a little extra magic to your trip.

8.) Babies are portable :: Travel while your baby is young! The younger they are, the more they sleep! Cayson slept through most of Bermuda at 2 months. And traveling before they can walk or crawl is easy-peasy. I can carry him and stroll him anywhere. When he starts walking and crawling it will be a bit more complicated, but still so worth it.

9.) Remember your blessings :: Traveling always reminds me how blessed we are- from having the opportunity to travel to reminders of how good we have it at home. We are all beyond blessed.

10.) Learning :: I’ve learned more traveling than I ever did in a classroom.  I want to teach my kids as we travel and continue learning alongside them!

11.) Skip the line :: I was shocked how many places told us to skip the line because we were traveling with a baby.  It was a fun little perk we weren’t expecting.

12.) Slow down :: I’m that traveler who always has a list of places I want to see and restaurants I want to try. Having a baby has forced me to slow down and really soak in those special places. You physically can’t race from place to place as easily when you have little ones.

13.) Everything is fun :: Sure traveling with a baby can be stressful, but it’s also so fun. They bring such joy and life to a room.

14.) The experience will change you :: Traveling will push you and your family out of your comfort zone. Traveling will bring you and your family joy. Traveling with a baby makes each day feel like Christmas- exciting and new. Be prepared for your perspective to change in the best way possible!

What are your favorite things about traveling with a baby?

Travel with a Baby

dress {under $25 & I wear it ALL the time} :: sling c/o WildBird :: baby hat
sunglasses c/o DIFF {use code CHLOEARNOLD for a discount}

Also see 25 Tips for Traveling with a Baby



  1. Alexandra
    October 11, 2018 / 7:42 pm

    I absolutely agree with you – this was how I was brought up :)
    And your photos are just stunning!! Thank you for sharing :)

  2. October 11, 2018 / 8:48 pm

    That is so great and I agree with you, traveling with a baby makes any vacation that much sweeter. Thanks a lot for sharing.

  3. October 11, 2018 / 10:12 pm

    It’s literally the bravest thing you are doing. I don’t have kids yet. But I always imagine myself traveling with a baby too. Maybe coz thats how much i love traveling. Hehe.
    Great post here!

  4. October 12, 2018 / 7:35 am

    I do not have a baby but after reading this I feel it really should be wonderful to travel with the baby.

  5. October 12, 2018 / 9:54 am

    Couldn’t imagine traveling with a baby but couldn’t agree more about slowing down and soaking it all in! Love traveling slowly

  6. October 12, 2018 / 10:15 am

    What a lovely post and I totally agree. When we had G, many years ago, it didn’t stop us travelling and making memories. And, in fact they’re much easier to travel with when they are babies.

  7. Valerie
    October 12, 2018 / 11:45 am

    I Just read your blog while I am sitting on a plane waiting for it to take off. I hear in the back a baby crying. I remember traveling with a baby of our own and those challenges on the plane. Keep in mind, you will probably never see the people on the plane again. If the crying baby were near my I would definitely try and help the Mom during the flight. Travel
    Is wonderful!

  8. October 12, 2018 / 3:50 pm

    I really enjoyed traveling with my babies. They made things so much more fun.

  9. October 12, 2018 / 9:47 pm

    I love this! I have triplets. I would have loved to travel with them when they were small, but just getting out of the house to doctor appointments was an adventure for us! Lol!

  10. October 13, 2018 / 4:25 am

    its so much more fun to travel as a family , hope you all had a wonderful time

  11. Preet
    October 13, 2018 / 5:58 am

    Traveling with family especially with babies is so much fun. I travel a lot and most of the time my babies travel with me too.

  12. October 13, 2018 / 8:02 am

    I haven’t got kids yet, but I agree that traveling with kids and babies is so valuable. Plus, it’s good it’s free for the under 2’s! Love the photos!

  13. October 13, 2018 / 8:26 am

    i was too afraid of my baby catching something so young, especially abroad. but now that he’s over 3 we are doing more traveling

  14. October 13, 2018 / 4:33 pm

    I have travelled alone with my babies but not so young as yours! My boy was 6 month old four our first trip, and my girl 10 month old (but we travelled to Argentina!! 26 hours trip!! LOl) So definitely I agree with you is a wonderful experience!

  15. October 13, 2018 / 6:16 pm

    I love this post! We love travelling with kids and agree it’s great for them.

  16. Courtney
    October 14, 2018 / 12:27 am

    Omg love it!!! I’ve been traveling with my daughter since she was 1 month old! Traveling with babies is a breeze. It’s when they get older and have opinions that it gets tough

  17. October 14, 2018 / 11:03 pm

    My friends are split when it comes to traveling with babies. But I’m not. i think it can be difficult sometimes, but the benefits you’ve listed far outweigh the inconvenience.

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