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  1. Elaine
    June 14, 2013 / 8:53 am

    The Lord gave me a passion for kids with disabilities. Now I just need to figure out what exactly to do with that passion! Thank for the encouragement!
    P.S. LOVE all of your images!

    • June 15, 2013 / 1:30 pm

      That is such a beautiful passion. So thankful for people like you :) A dear friend of mine uses her passion for kids with disabilities to serve at the church on Sundays. Just an idea! And thank you for the compliment! Be blessed!

  2. June 14, 2013 / 9:09 am

    My first thought was to be better than yesterday. After further thought I think my heart would say my passion is caring. I care about others and their well-being. Health is a priority in my life and if I can help others achieve a better lifestyle- I’m all in. I also like to help others create a relationship with God; we all need one. Some just need a little direction on where to start. :)

    • June 15, 2013 / 1:32 pm

      Love both of your ideas! Love the idea of thinking one day at a time and slowly working to be better each day. And caring is always important. So thankful for the gifts the Lord has put on your heart! Be blessed!

  3. loganfields2
    June 14, 2013 / 9:58 am

    If my heart could speak it would tell you stories of heartbreak and redemption throughout the American Youth. Then I would beg you to help further change the coming generation to true Christianity by simply living out Christs love that is described in first Corinthians Chapter 13 (as I’m sure you are).

    A passion fills my heart for the teens around me who blow off God as just another optional thing in life. I often cry during worship for my peers, and pray they will come to the true reality that with Christ you don’t have to live up to societies standards (and that makes a big difference).

    Also another passion that consumes my heart is for the suicidal. God delivered me from expression and nearly suicide, so every time I hear or see some one who is experiencing that, my heart breaks. I one day want to start a 2nd ministry (besides for the one I have) specifically for the suicidal, and mentor them to strangeness through Christian counseling and Bible studies.

    • loganfields2
      June 14, 2013 / 10:01 am

      God delivered me from depression an suicide. I want to mentor people back to strableness (the state of being stable and sane)

      • June 15, 2013 / 1:34 pm

        This is beautiful. I love how passionate you are about others. Sounds like you are really living out the Great Commission! Praying for you as you make a difference in the world! Be blessed!

  4. Robert Budd
    June 14, 2013 / 4:52 pm

    It’s all good

  5. inspireddaybyday
    June 14, 2013 / 8:44 pm

    It would say, love more, love deeper, love people with the love of Christ passionately!
    Think less, judge less, talk less. Forgive more, listen more, embrace more. Live with purpose and celebrate diversity ;)

    • June 15, 2013 / 1:36 pm

      Amen!! Love truly does cover a multitude of sins! Also love your think less, judge less, talk less. So good!! I want to pray more & listen more! Be blessed!

    • loganfields2
      June 15, 2013 / 5:44 pm

      Amen! When it is all said and done, only love remains! <3

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