Whimsy & Adventure


This weekend was filled with adventure & whimsy. The Lord has been teaching me so much about what it looks like to embrace life & to live in the moment. You see, I have the tendency to live in the future. I am always planning, always dreaming, & always preparing for what is to come. And I think that is why Abba chose to send me to Thailand first.

In Thailand people live on “Thai time.” Meaning, “5:00pm” really means sometime between 5:00-5:45pm. Or “tomorrow” really means sometime this week {hopefully- ha}. Thai people are very laid back & go with the flow. They don’t overly plan {if they choose to plan much at all}. They believe that life should be fun. And you know what, they are right. So the Lord is working on my heart & the Thai people are teaching me. Abba is teaching me to say yes to whimsy & adventure. He is teaching me to stop over planning & to just live. He is teaching me to stop planning & to start loving here & now.

Whimsy Adventure

So this weekend Caleb & I planned nothing, hopped on our bike, & just rode around our city. It was awesome. We visited temples, outdoor markets, historical landmarks, ventured streets we had not yet experienced, & spent time with others.

The Lord is teaching me to just say yes. Yes to adventure, yes to whimsy, yes to His plans- not my own. Because life is too short not to say yes to adventures & whimsy. The Lord is writing my story. And I want my life & my story to be full of love. And love does things. Love goes on adventures. Love doesn’t overly plan. Love doesn’t live in the future. Love is here & now.


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