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6 Ways I’m Taking Care of My Mind & Body

Monthly pamper days  ::  In a dream situation, I would be able to get a facial at a spa once a month. Actually, even every 6 months would be amazing. But neither are realistic or in our budget. But I do schedule one day a month to do a full body at home spa day where I scrub, mask & moisturize. I also try to do weekly face masks at home, but again- once a week is sometimes a little over ambitious. But once a month, totally doable!

Drink & eat well :: Each morning I drink a full glass of water before enjoying my first cup of coffee. To figure out how much water you should be drinking, take your body weight in pounds and divide it in half. That’s how many ounces of water you should be drinking a day minimum. Add a bit more if you plan on sweating. I personally, do a combination of sparkling and still water. I also love drinking Spindrift! I also like to add in wellness shots- like pre-made ones from Blueprint or homemade ones.  I’m also trying to make vegetables at least 50% of my diet. Trader Joe’s cauliflower rice is a huge helper in that.


Read :: I used to be an avid reader. But since Cayson was born I can count on two hands how many books I’ve read. I’m trying to be more intentional about reading books, but since that isn’t always easy- I’ve started listening to more audiobooks. I also just learned you can rent audiobooks from the library!

Sleep well :: I need a lot of sleep. As in, at least 7 hours. Luckily, Cayson sleeps 12 hours straight. But somehow, for months Caleb and I find ourselves falling asleep around 11 PM. I’m now being more intentional about putting my phone away at least an hour before bed and making sure we have no distractions before bed.


Get active :: It’s hard for me to be active in the winter because I’m not a huge fan of working out in a gym. I used to love going to yoga, but since Cayson was born it isn’t as easy to just pick up and go. And when Caleb gets home from work, I’d rather spend those hours together as a family. So over the past few month I’ve started doing squats and abs at home. I’m also starting to take some online yoga classes.

Get outside :: Fresh air does wonders for the soul! Even cold air. I’m being intentional about getting outside for at least 10 minutes a day- longer if it’s warm out. If it’s raining or snowing, I at least open our windows for a while and make sure Cayson and I feel the fresh air on our faces.



  1. Rachel
    March 26, 2019 / 10:31 pm

    I need to be better about sleeping! I’m great at the eating and working out- but I’m always tired! Thanks for the idea so simply open the window- duh! Why didn’t I think of that!

  2. Amanda
    March 27, 2019 / 4:02 pm

    I saw you share those juices on instagram. Have you ever made them at home or do you prefer just buying the juices?

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