It’s been pretty quiet on both my blog and Instagram for the past few weeks. But it’s been for a very good reason! Cayson is being promoted to big brother! We are having another baby! Baby C is due in October!
We’ve already told a handful of family/friends and have received so many questions since this is such an interesting season for everyone. So I thought I would share some of the Q&A’s we’ve been receiving.

How are you feeling?
Honestly, not great. Morning sickness really kicks my bootie and some days has me completely down for the count. It’s actually been a HUGE blessing Caleb is working from home. I’ve lost weight in my first trimester. With Cayson my insurance approved Diclegis for nausea, but this time around it was strangely denied. So I’m taking a combination of Unisom and B6, which helps but isn’t as great.
How are you doing doctors appointments since you are temporarily in Branson?
In NYC I go to Maternal Fetal Medicine Associates because of my blood clotting gene. Luckily, because it is such a weird season of life for all of us, they are allowing me to get a second doctor for our time here in Branson. So we found a high risk doctor in Springfield to watch over us while we are here. So far we really like him. When we head back home to NYC, they will just transfer all of our documents back to MFMA.

How did you tell Caleb?
I’ll be sharing a little video soon!
Do you know the gender?
We were supposed to find out the gender a few weeks ago at one of our doctors appointments in NY, but we left before our last 2 appointments. So we will likely find out in the very near future! I’m too much of a planner to wait. Luckily, we’ve had 3 sonograms so far and Baby C is doing great!

When are you headed home to NYC?
Great question! And your guess is as good as mine. We are very blessed my parents have a home for us in Branson and Cayson is loving the free space to run and the warmer weather. And let’s’ be honest- he’s loving time with his Pop Pop, Babunya & Uncle Cam. As of now we are hoping to get back in May. We really need to be home by August- but May is the goal for now. Caleb is working from home and his company will give 2 weeks notice before we need to be back. So we shall see.
Are you nervous with everything going on?
Yes. I’m praying everything is back to normal by October! Praying for no more sickness for everyone, a healthy baby, easy delivery, Caleb can be in the room before/during/after delivery, for travel to be normal so my parents & in laws can come visit, Cayson to be an awesome big brother and so so much more.

on me
dress {under $25 non maternity & I own it in 2 colors} :: shoes old, similar here
on Cayson
shirt :: pants :: shoes
on Caleb
shirt old, similar here :: pants :: shoes

Congratulations on your upcoming addition! I live in NY (on Long Island) and you are better off where you are at this point. Enjoy the open spaces and time with your parents and let this all blow over. Missouri is beautiful. I spent some time on Table Rock Lake for a week-long sales meeting years ago and really loved the area. Good luck with everything and keep us all posted.
Congratulations! It’s lovely to hear something happy during this sad and worrying time. It sounds like you are living in the best place right now. I hope your morning sickness eases off soon.
Congratulations! That’s such happy news. I wish you all the best with the rest of your pregnancy.
Congratulations, that’s so exciting! I’m sure that this is a scary time for you to work through with this big news – but I have faith that everything is going to return to a more ‘normal’ state before the summer is behind us. Honestly, I’m hoping that we will start to see a sense of normalcy returning before the summer hits.
Aww, that’s was a beautiful post. Congratulations on the baby. I wish you a very smooth pregnancy.
Congratulations! I am so happy for you and family! Hope you will feel better during the pregnancy soon
Congratulations !!! what a lovely blog post, you all look so happy on the photos! I really look forward to seeing Caleb’s video soon. x