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Posts by this author:

Dare to Jump

The other night as my Husband & I were driving to dinner the Lord blessed us with this beautiful view. There is something about the water that just invigorates my inner core. While I am terrified of heights, this beautiful…


Life is Simple

In life we are given one Great Commission. We are called to love God first and to love others second. So today let’s stop trying to make life complicated. Let’s live for God and love others. Bob Goff says it…


Believing in the Impossible

Has your heart been restless recently? Mine certainly has been. But I think it is a good thing. I believe it may be a beautiful sign that God is moving in mighty ways! He has begun stirring up many dreams…


It’s All Good

Just a simple reminder for the day!  


2 Ingredient Healthy Cookies

Simply writing thinking about writing this post I began craving these delicious treats! That’s how good they are! They are incredible right out of the oven. If you know me then you know that I enjoy eating healthy… But I…


Live Big, Love Bigger

  Words cannot convey how full my heart currently is with love! Between my Husband’s constant encouragement of my ridiculous aspirations, my family helping me make my dreams come true, the opportunities we have in Dallas, and the incredible community…


Doorway to Understanding

Is anyone else currently experiencing unknown terrain? As many of you know my Husband and I just moved back to the oh-so-wonderful Lone Star State. Our transition has been smooth and wonderful so far. But the future is still unknown.…


Secret of Happiness

Every day we have a choice. We can choose to focus on all of the little blessing God gives us or we can choose to ignore them. Before the day begins, I want to encourage you to sit down and…


Find the Way or an Excuse

What is important to you? Are you fighting for it? Your actions tell others what is important to you. Make sure you are representing yourself well. And remember, little steps lead to big milestones. :: On another note- all followers…


Useful or Beautiful

It’s spring time and you know what that means. Spring cleaning. Due to the fact that my Husband and I just moved back to Texas we have a lot of cleaning and organizing to do. This process has been both…


Mrs Roosevelt

A lot of you may have noticed a reoccurring theme on the blog recently. There has been a lot of looking towards the future, a lot of planning, a lot of uncertainty, and even more relying on our Father. Life…


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