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Posts by this author:

Serious Social Media

This completely blew me away. Social media has gotten serious. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0EnhXn5boM&w=560&h=315]


A Life this Good

Five years ago I never thought that life could possibly be this good. I am in awe with the fact that the Lord has so many wonderful blessings in store for us. Things that are beyond our wildest dreams. A…


The Next Big Thing

It’s official. I gave in. Never in a million years did I think that I would jump on the bandwagon of a company spread purely by individuals. But here I am, completely sold and excited about Solavei. Not only am…


What a Week

What a week! This past week my grandmother flew in from California to help my mom and me with some of the finishing touches and crafting for the wedding. What a week full of sweet memories and a few surprises.…


Looking Back, Looking Forward

While I was a student at University of Oklahoma (Boomer Sooner!) one of the things that I looked most forward to every week was my girls Bible study. What started as a smaller group (8-10 girls per week) grew to…



Are you allowing the Lord to shine through you? [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8cX6SHtxeE]



My family is wonderful- plain and simple. Every couple of days when I check my email in the morning I find that my mother has forwarded me a word of encouragement or something that she enjoyed that morning. This week…


What a Wonderful

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfTQA6m_IQI] There are few things that I enjoy more than praise and worship music! Yesterday was a beautiful day to drive around town with my convertible top down, the wind blowing through my hair and the music turned up. While…



It’s official! Less than one month till our wedding. 30 days to be exact! I cannot wait to experience life and serve alongside by my best friend! As an individual who loves to travel and experience new things, I always…


My Day

  It is officially Monday. The day that is notoriously known for being everyones least favorite day of the week. Well, not this Monday! This Monday is officially ‘my day.’ It is time to start the week of right, be…


Loving Right Now

There are a few things that I am absolutely loving right now. I just cannot get enough of Hobby Lobby, all of the quality time I am getting to spend with my family crafting for the wedding, the sun, cold…


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