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Posts by this author:

Adventure 2

As most of you know by now, Caleb and my wedding is next month! Although almost every detail is completed, I had yet to even really think about a veil.  So while my mother and I were walking through and enjoying…


First Adventure in the City

There are so many things that I love about New York City. One of which, being the street fairs. Who doesn’t love fresh local vegetables, fresh breads, beautiful flowers, one-of-a-kind pieces of clothing, accessories, delicious foods from various countries and…



50 days…. 50 days!!! It feels like a dream! I cannot believe that in 50 days I actually get to start life with my best friend. How is it possible that it feels as though we have been engaged for years but…



How many people will you come in contact with today? I am baffled by how many wonderful people I have been blessed with the opportunity to encounter while here in NYC visiting my parents.  We have such an opportunity to…


A Heart Forever Changed

Recently, a couple of my friends went to Uganda to serve, to love on orphans and to praise Jesus with the locals. (Yes, I am aware… The Lord has surrounded me with some of the most incredible people- I am…


4th of July

Yes, I am aware that TOMORROW is the actual day of celebration. However, what good are these lovely photos if I do not give you inspiration the day before? Get ready to cook, decorate and celebrate in preparation for the…


3 Quotes, 3 People

What encouraging words. Life is a beautiful adventure.


Welcome July!

  Happy first of July and happy Sunday! I love July for so many reasons- but this year I have a couple of extra reasons.  I am beyond happy that my wonderful, inspiring, sweet little (okay, he’s not so little…


Your Life

This is your life, you may do whatever you wish with it.      


Your Message

While I do love writing, I also love spending time with my family. For the 10 days or so I will be visiting my parents in their new home in New York City. I’ve already been here couple of days…


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