10   37
20   70
0   1
6   57
21   75
0   1
5   80
0   4

Create an Attitude of Gratitude

October, November and December are easily three of my favorite months of the year. Anyone else agree? From the changing of the leaves to the joy of the holidays- it seems there is always something to celebrate. However, somehow this joyous season has turned into the biggest shopping season of the year. And while I love giving and receiving presents {and I’m all for a good sale}, I don’t love how the sales often become such a focal point of the season. So in an attempt to to bring the focus back to what matters this Thanksgiving season, I want to encourage us all to make lists of things we are thankful for- things we already have. Sometimes we need the reminder that we need to cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

Each morning before I pick up my phone, before I get out of bed, before I start my day- I like to begin my morning with a prayer. A prayer where I praise the Lord for my many blessings, where I ask him to focus my intentions for the day, where I ask him to help me keep my eyes on him. I like to start my day by counting at least five things I am thankful for in my life- big or small.  This practice takes me all of 2 minutes and helps start my day on a positive note.

This year has been bitter-sweet. From the loss of two grandparents and some family health scares to the birth of our precious baby boy and new opportunities, it has been a year of ups and downs. But overall, there are so many things I am thankful for in 2018. Below are a handful of things I am thankful for {in no particular order}.

  • Cayson :: Who knew such a small little person could fill my heart with such joy?
  • My family :: Both my little family of three and both of our extended families. I am so thankful for their support and love.
  • Our health :: We’ve had a few little health scares in our family over the past few years and I am so thankful for our health and our ability to spend time together and make memories together.
  • Friends :: Growing up my parents always told my brother and me that you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their five closest friends. I am so thankful for the people the Lord has surrounded us with- both near and far.
  • Caleb’s job :: When we moved to NYC Caleb was still job hunting. Now here we are, a few years later and I am so thankful for his job and company.
  • Our apartment :: We had every intention of spending Cayson’s first year of life in a 1 bedroom apartment due to pricing. But the Lord opened up the perfect door at just the right time for us to move into a 2 bedroom. I’m so thankful Cayson has his own room & we love our home. {I get this question a lot- our 2 bedroom apartment is 856 square feet}
  • Dining tables :: Is there anything better than an evening spent around a dinner table with loved ones? Growing up we spent hours around our dinner table. I have so many memories of meals filled with laughter and family. I’m excited to create more memories around our dining table as a family!
  • Scented candles :: Anyone else love how a scented candle can help set the mood in a room?
  • Photography :: I love how a picture can capture a moment forever!  Sometimes a mental picture just isn’t enough. I love hanging physical photos around our home to remind us of some of our favorite adventures and places. I’ve also realized that after buying my first camera, I’ve began to look at the world with a new perspective. It’s amazing how a lens can make you look at the world in a new way.
  • A good bottle of wine :: Sometimes a special moment is made even more memorable with a bottle of wine. Whether it be a glass of sparkling wine while hanging Christmas decor or a nice rosé sipped outdoors on a warm summer day. Now certain bottles of wine remind me of specific events or moments in time.
  • Airplanes :: We literally have family coast to coast. Praise the Lord everyone is just a plane ride away!
  • Sunsets :: In my mind- few things sing of God’s praises the way a sunset or sunrise does!


What are some things you are thankful for this year?

attitude of gratitude

on me:
sweater c/o Brimm {use code CHLOE10 for a discount}
Shirt c/o Brimm {Only  $20 & I have it in 3 colors! use code CHLOE10 for a discount}
leggings Loft :: boots c/o DSW

on Caleb:
shirt Century 21 :: jeans Banana Republic :: shoes DSW

on Cayson:
sweater Gap {on sale for $12} :: jeans Hanna Andersson :: shoes Old Navy



  1. Rachel Stewart
    November 28, 2018 / 6:58 pm

    LOVE this list! I hadn’t thought to be thankful for our dinner table, but love the idea of being thankful for it and the memories we’ve created around it.

  2. Kat
    November 28, 2018 / 7:13 pm

    What a great idea to think of a few things you are thankful for each morning. I might have to start trying that when I journal each morning.

  3. Nataly
    December 3, 2018 / 1:55 pm

    I love these photos! Cayson is the cutest thing ever. I need to do a list like this every week!

  4. ashley hargrove
    December 3, 2018 / 7:57 pm

    Oh my gosh these are the cutest photos I have ever seen!!! Cayson is literally the most photogenic baby EVER!!

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