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Designed to Be


My husband and I love adventures. Earlier this year applied for something (sorry to be vague, we are still prayerfully deciding before share this information with others). If I am being honest, I completely forgot that we had applied because we applied so long ago. Well, we finally heard back. We are currently prayerfully deciding our next move. The impulsive, dreamer side of me wants to jump in and say ‘Yes! Let’s do it!’ But the Dave Ramsey, nerd side of me is thinking purely about the finances. (Anyone else out there the nerd? If you have done the Financial Peace University you know exactly what I’m talking about- if you don’t check it out here, it is well worth the time and money)

One of the things that I love most about my husband is that he is so intentional about pursuing the Lord’s Will for our lives. Yes, I want the Lord’s Will- but my husband is so good about looking to Him first. I have visions in my head of what I plan and what I expect, but this process is helping me realize how small my idea of great is in comparison to God’s idea of great! I’m learning that I have to let go of what I think my marriage and life should look like and start focusing on what He has designed them both to look like. Our marriage and life together has already surpassed every dream I could have ever imagined. It’s time to let Him continue designing and writing the script in our lives. His work is always the best. I want our lives together to be everything He designed it to be.

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  1. karunita kapoor
    July 12, 2013 / 8:07 am

    May all your dreams and aspirations come true.Keep smiling and shining.God bless.
    Love your simplicity :-)

  2. Shirly Liggit
    July 12, 2013 / 11:10 am

    Could you and your husband be any cuter? I pray that when the Lord gives me a husband our relationship looks something like yours. Thank you for inspiring. And praying for you- excited to see what happens!

    • July 12, 2013 / 1:18 pm

      Seek Him first and He will give you the desires of your heart (in its proper time Ecc 3:11). Be blessed sunshine!

  3. July 12, 2013 / 2:35 pm

    Something I’ve just come to the realization of, which is sad, is that our sole purpose is the Lord. It’s not how much money we make, its not if i ever get married, its not if I have a billion kids or even if i move to Africa and become a nurse. I can do all those things but with doing all of those things, my focus must be him. He is the reason I was put on this earth, to tell others about him. I’m ranting a little, so you can smile and nod at me. :) I just so excited!!! I’m pumped for you and whatever decision you make!!!

    • July 12, 2013 / 2:40 pm

      Haha yes I did just have a smile from ear to ear and I was nodding as I read your comment! That realization just fires me up! We serve a magnificent God and as long as we are pursuing Him we can’t do anything outside of His Will. Thankful for that truth and for your heart! Excited to see how the Lord chooses to use you!

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