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While at Florida State I loved practicing yoga. There is something peaceful about clearing your mind, focusing on your breathing, and getting in-tuned with your body.  After each class I left with more clarity and focus then I had entering the class. If you follow me on instagram you already know this, but I am proud to admit that I have finally returned to practicing yoga. Due to how long it has been since I have practiced yoga (or stretched at all for that matter) I was hesitant to post any photos or to admit that I was back at it. And while I still feel a bit like an out-of-place, wobbly chicken, the Lord has already begun to teach me through my practice (funny how He uses something like yoga to teach, isn’t it?).

It had been a while since I had actually focused on working out so I had to start at the beginning- my core. I had forgotten how much yoga engages your abs.  After a few classes the Lord began to really remind me- just as our cores are engaged in everything we do in yoga, we must also give proper significance to our spiritual cores.  I must keep God engaged at the core of all I do, just as I must keep my abs engaged throughout my whole practice of yoga.

Over time I am slowly seeing growth in my flexibility, control, & strength. The Lord has continued to remind me that just as it takes time and practice to grow stronger & better in yoga, it also takes time & training to grow stronger spiritually. I can’t just go through the motions, I have to push myself to grow stronger.

“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” 1 Timothy 4:8


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  1. August 1, 2013 / 3:15 pm


    I got so happy when I saw your comment on my “envelope system” post! I have grown so passionate about helping people get their finances organized! FPU does a great job of getting them on track.. but a little organization is necessary too! :) Loving your blog, I’ll be stopping in now! Yay! :)

    XO Victoria

    • August 1, 2013 / 10:15 pm

      What a beautiful blessing! My husband and I loved FPU but find ourselves having good weeks and bad weeks with sticking to the budget. That will be a great way to try it :) Thanks for stopping by! Be blessed

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