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How to Set Good Goals

Can you believe it is 2016 or that we are almost half way through January?! Where has the time gone? As most people do this time of year, I have spent a lot of time thinking about my goals for 2016.

When Caleb and I were first engaged, my parents sat us down and gave us a set of goal sheets. What I love most about these goal setting sheets is that they not only help you outline the steps needed to take to achieve each goal, but they asked one key question- whyWhy do we want to set that specific goal? How will achieving this goal impact your life for the better and how will it further God’s Kingdom?

Goals are great but if there isn’t a deeper intention behind them, what good are they really? Donald Miller reminds us “the ambitions we have will become the stories we live.” I don’t know about you, but I want my goals, my life, and my story to reflect that I serve a great God. I want my goals to have a good “why” behind them. And once you have a good “why,” it’s easy to stick to your goal- you won’t want to give up on your new years resolution.

Each year we are presented with a choice. We can choose to set goals that help mold us into the individual Abba created us to be or we can set goals that will play into the “American Dream.”

I encourage you to sit down, really look at your goals and ask yourself the {sometimes hard} question. What is the why behind each of your goals?




  1. Allie
    January 14, 2016 / 1:24 pm

    Absolutely loved this. I almost always give up on my goals after 2 months… Guest it’s time to learn my “why”

  2. January 15, 2016 / 11:04 am

    This is really helpful!! Thank you!

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