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Grace not Perfection


Until recently, I prided myself on thinking I did not hold myself to a standard of perfection. On pinterest, I frequently saw Emily Ley‘s beautiful quote “I will hold myself to a standard of grace, not perfection” and would think to myself- ‘well of course! Obviously.” {insert naive eye roll here} It wasn’t until this past month that the Lord really revealed to me my struggle.

As an individual, I am great at accepting grace. I will willingly give myself grace and look to the person I intend to be or plan on becoming. But when it comes to my life as a whole or my expectations for my marriage, I expect the final product. Why is that? Why do I hold these areas of my life to a standard of perfection? I cannot control all aspects of my life, nor should I try to. My goal shouldn’t be perfection, it should be Christ. Only Yahweh can give us the purity of perfection.

So this is my goal- to not solely allow me as an individual to be covered by grace, but rather to allow my life, my marriage, and my relationships be covered in grace. I am not a finished product. We are not yet finished products. Sophia Bush once stated, “you are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously.” And you know what? She is right. We are a masterpiece, created in God’s image. And yet, we are always going to be a work in progress.

Are you good at allowing grace to cover all aspects of your life? Or do you also compartmentalize which areas you hold to a standard of perfection rather than grace?

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