10   37
20   70
0   1
6   57
21   75
0   1
5   80
0   4

Hello March!

Happy March! With this month comes the first day of spring- hallelujah!! It is the first of the month, which means that we get to decide what we want this month to look like. Let’s set goals so we can  hold each other accountable!

 Spiritually: Here at the Institute we write a weekly belief statement based on what we find in the Word. Each week we have a different topic (ex: Trinity, Salvation, God the Father/Son/Holy Spirit, and many others). Our statements are due Sunday night and then on Monday we sit down in groups and discuss. Each time we have a discussion I learn at least 5 new things about the topic that I had not covered in my belief statement. This month I want to update all of the belief statements I have written thus far.

Marriage: We have officially passed the 6-month mark! While our marriage still feels so new and exciting, it also already feels so comfortable, natural and normal. It feels as though we have already spent years by one another’s sides. (Yes, I am aware that I probably sound like a naïve newlywed… but I don’t mind one bit! I’m loving it!) The past few weeks we have been so busy that we have not been as diligent about doing the Love Dare, which I love. So this month I want to be more disciplined in starting out our day together with this. I also want to continue doing our weekly dates and regular runs together.

Physically: Husband & I have finally begun working out regularly! This month I want to continue working towards my goal body. Technically I did reach my weight goal, but it looks nothing like I had remembered in high school. So now it is time to focus on getting toned and not focus as much on the number (although I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to get my number lower- any tips anyone?). This month I want to run at least 50 miles- this number both terrifies me as a new runner & gets me so stoked!! And do at least 2 Nike Training workouts a week.

 Organization: We started out the year being really organized and I loved it. Specifically the past week or so this has begun to slip. Would love to return to being organized again.

 Sharing: For the month of March I want to be so much more intentional about sharing Jesus with others. I have been really convicted of the fact that here in America most of us are “Christians.” I say it in quotes because when we become a Christian our lives are supposed to change. Everyone you meet should be able to tell you know the Lord. In America so many “Christians” live according to their flesh and not according to the Spirit (myself included). I want to walk by the Spirit and to encourage others in their walk with Him.

 Other: I want to try something new. Haven’t decided what yet… Any suggestions?


1 Comment

  1. March 1, 2013 / 11:11 am

    Yay, I love this and your goals rock! I’m not sure if you’ve heard of the 101 in 1001 project, but that has really helped me in dividing up all that I want to do each month. Basically, it’s 101 things you want to do in the next 1001 days. Helps you dream bigger too! Here’s my post for more:


    Happy Weekend!

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