Above All, Love

Abolve all, love one another


Over the past couple of weeks the Lord has been teaching me a lot about love. Not the lovey-dovey spouse kind of love {although that would be fitting with valentines day around the corner}. He has been teaching me about loving my neighbors.

For those of you who don’t know my life story, I am broken. I didn’t truly begin pursuing Jesus until my sophomore/junior year of college. Before then I was lost, living for myself, and completely caught up in the world. The summer of 2010 the Lord completely captivated my heart and saved me. And oh my goodness, words cannot convey the incredible joy that has come with surrendering wholly to Him!! It is so good that I want to shout it off the roof tops and shake people who refuse to look to Him. And that is exactly what I have been convicted of lately. As a believer, I need to love people where they are at. I can pray and wish that they understood the sweetness of Christ as much as I want. But ultimately, His timing has nothing to do with me {praise the Lord}. I just need to love them. Right here, right now, as they are. Because love does things. Love makes things happen.

{I highly recommend the book Love Does by Bob Goff. Definitely a must read}



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