10   37
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Loving & Growing


If I were to ask 5 of your friends to describe you, what would they say? When the end of your  life comes, what do you want to be remembered for? As a twenty-something newlywed, the thought of death is far from my mind. But if we are being honest, none of us are promised tomorrow. A family friend of ours is experiencing just this. He is 30, his wife is 28, and his daughter is 2. He is a man pursuing God, loving his family and encouraging others- despite everything.  He has a blog (which I highly encourage you to read here or his wife’s blog here) and he wrote something that I had to share with each of you.

“What can I tell you about death at age 30?  I can tell you that life is about how you love and how you grow.  If you aren’t growing, start!  Growth, whether spiritual, intellectual, or physical makes such a difference in what you can give those around you and it expands you as a person.  Love is even more important than growth!”

Don’t take life for granted. Love those around you, share Jesus with everyone you meet, and grow every opportunity you get. You get one life and you don’t want to miss anything.

Please join us in praying for this family. Pray for miracles, pray for love, pray for joy.
We know that God can do great things & that His plans
are far greater than ours. Let’s cover this family in prayers and love.

For more information on the Heard’s and to help them please visit here

How sweet is this family?

How sweet is this family?


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