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Making Thai Friends

IMG_0159This month has easily been the most interesting, coolest months of my life. {And possibly the hottest}. The Lord is so faithful. It is only Wednesday and this week already has so many stories that have blessed my heart. Our main prayer the past two weeks has been that the Lord would help us start building relationships and start planting seeds. And He has already begun answering this prayer request in ways I never would have dreamed. I literally can’t help but laugh when I think about how some of our friendships have started.

A couple days after moving to Nakhon Si Thammarat we found a home. The home is old, has no air-conditioning, is hardly furnished, and is way larger than we need.  {But it has a beautiful turquoise painted gate, a huge mango tree, and gorgeous flowers.} After two weeks we learned that there are newer, cheaper homes with air-conditioning. So on Tuesday we began house hunting again. We hopped on our motorbike and just drove from neighborhood to neighborhood (neighborhoods are called moobans here).  We found a few empty homes and town homes with phone numbers listed. So we picked up our phone and prayed someone spoke at least a little English or could at least understand our attempt at Thai.

Third times a charm. We found a woman who spoke decent English. Sadly, she told us her town home was for sale. So I told her no thank you and we hung up. About three minutes later she called back and asked why I didn’t want to buy her home. She then proceeded to tell me the cost it would be to rent the home. We said goodbye again and hung up. Five minutes later our phone rang again. She informed us that we did not need to buy or rent her house, but asked if we would teach her English. When we agreed to teach her English she asked if we could meet for dinner. When I asked when, she informed me that she wanted to meet for dinner within the hour. So crazy enough, we said yes! We went to dinner with her, her husband, and their friend. It was far too much fun. They have taken us on adventures around the town the past two nights and are taking us to their beach home on Sunday!

{Please say a prayer that the Lord
be present during our time with them.
They are strict Buddhists.
Praying for safety, joy of the Lord,
and for the relationships to continue growing}.

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    • admin
      May 21, 2014 / 11:26 pm

      Isn’t it fun how the Lord works?

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