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No Power & Fresh Blooms

Well, we are definitely in a third world country. This week has been wonderful. It has rained daily, which means cooler weather {it’s closer to a humid 88 when it rains! wahoo!!} and thanks to the water softener system, no harsh water to shower! And goodness the thunderstorms are incredible. Lightening here doesn’t just light up the sky, lightening is art in the sky. The bolts not only strike perfectly up and down, but they also spider web across the sky.  And they linger. I’m telling you- it is a show. I’ve never seen so many huge lightening bolts in one thunderstorm- and I’ve lived in Texas and Florida, so that is saying truly something. In America, if we saw this kind of lightening we would bring our families and pets indoors. But in Thailand, we carry on as normal. We throw on our rain ponchos, get on our bikes, and drive in the pouring rain/thunder/lightening.

Well last night we had one of these majestic storms. It was the kind of storm that is so bold, you can’t help but recognize how majestic and omnipotent Abba is. It was also the kind of storm that knocks out power in most of the city. So today we are at school, carrying on as normal, with no power. Praise the Lord for big windows, natural lighting, and beautiful views. If only we could find a way to generate our fans without power.

On a happy note, today was “Wai Kru” day. Which means the kids all bring their teachers flowers in an attempt to share their appreciation for their hard work. So my hot classroom smells like a beautiful garden! It is lovely. And the precious children were so sweet when they each gave me their flowers. Each child would “wai” me*, bow down on their hands and knees, and give me big hugs. It was slightly awkward, but so very sweet. And made my heart melt for them just that much more.

**A “wai” is when an individual puts their hands together in a prayer position, puts their hands to their face, and bows forward in respect. It is a very common greeting in Thailand. It is also a sign of respect. 

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  1. June 5, 2014 / 12:19 pm

    LOVE these pics!! Thanks for sharing your day to day adventures with us, I love it!

    • June 5, 2014 / 7:16 pm

      Thanks Katie! Loving your pics from Turkey and Greece! Excited to see more!

  2. June 5, 2014 / 12:50 pm

    What an amazing experience! It’s amazing how God has made Thailand home in your hearts so quickly.

    • June 5, 2014 / 7:16 pm

      The Lord has been so faithful! :) Be blessed Kim! xox

  3. June 7, 2014 / 3:59 pm

    What a wonderful experience! Those kids look so sweet! I must say you take wonderful photos to capture the moments!

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