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{3 Years}


Today is a special day. 3 years ago today my husband got down on one knee and asked a beautiful, life changing question. Somehow that evening on the beach in Mexico feels like it was both yesterday and a decade ago. Our love is still so fresh and exciting, yet it is comfortable and known. He still makes my heart skip a beat and gives me butterflies.

As I sit here and reminisce on the last three years I continue to be in awe of the splendor of our Heavenly Father. He has been so faithful to answer every prayer {not always in the way I imagined, but always answered- & usually His answers are far better than I could have ever dreamed}.

I cannot wait to see what the next 3+ years hold. Hopefully many more beautiful sunsets like this one, many more adventures, lots of laughter, and continued awe of who He is & how He works.

Anyone else want to go back to this location/sunset with me? It was truly stunning.

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  1. March 13, 2014 / 6:05 pm

    It is so fun to remember back to those special moments. Then, think ahead to all the new ones you will make together. We can’t even tend to imagine them all!

  2. Epiphany Huffman
    March 14, 2014 / 9:48 am

    It’s so encouraging to hear that you are still joyfully married 3 years in! My husband and I have been married 1.5 years and we still feel like we’re in the “honeymoon” phase :) Still, people tend to think the longer you’re married the more mundane it will become, but I refuse to accept that for our marriage. As long as we continue to go to the Lord for all things…he is the one who taught us love in the first place. Many, many more years of happiness to you and yours!

    P.S. are you no longer on WordPress? It seems I can’t comment through my dashboard to your blog anymore and the bar at the top is gone when I’m on your blog. Just curious!

    • March 14, 2014 / 12:18 pm

      God is so faithful! :) SO glad you two are also in your honeymoon phase still! Praying it will last forever! ;)
      And I’m on wordpress.org now rather than wordpress.com. I wanted to be able to own my content and make other changes.

      • Epiphany Huffman
        March 14, 2014 / 12:49 pm

        Yes He is! :)

        Congrats on the step up to .org! I took a few months off from blogging but it’s good to back and p.s. I am SO excited for you & your husband to move to THAILAND! Gah, talk about bucket lists…I’ve always had a heart for that country. Many, many prayers for success and joy with this big move!

  3. March 22, 2014 / 6:18 am

    hi i found your blog on the wiegands link up! i had to click over because my blog title was “three years” too – except for us, we moved to cambodia 3 years ago this week. anyway love your photos and your love story – and just saw you’re moving to nakhon, thailand? what an exciting move! we live on the border of thailand and travel to bangkok very, very frequently. you will love southeast asia. :)

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