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A Reminder to be Thankful

A Reminder to be Thankful

Have you ever had one of those days where you are just thankful? Yesterday I was strolling along Broadway by the Flatiron Building and couldn’t help but smile like a cheesy tourist. The fall weather was perfect, we had just learned the gender of our baby, and I was just so thankful to be alive. Sometimes, I need the reminder to be thankful- to count my blessings. Yesterday was one of those days where I was cognizant of so many blessings- from health, friendships & our baby to the stories of the strangers around me & the opportunity to call NYC home. It was a day where I literally sat down in Madison Square Park & simply prayed as I watched tourists and locals continue on with their day.

The first official day of Fall is this Friday and I could not be more excited for all that comes with it- pumpkins, changing leaves, apple picking, cooler weather & an overall slower season. I love that with fall comes a season of Thanksgiving. So today I want to encourage you to take a moment and count your blessings. Take a moment right now and physically write down 10 blessings in your life- big or small.

Life is fleeting and moments disappear as quickly as they arrive. Cherish them. Embrace them. Soak in each tiny goodness. So here is your reminder to be thankful. Because in reality, we are all beyond blessed- sometimes we just have to choose to intentionally look for the blessings.



  1. Robert Budd
    September 20, 2017 / 10:30 am

    Counting you among my blessings.

  2. Ashley DTKAustin
    September 23, 2017 / 10:34 pm

    Such a beautiful post. I always love a reminder to count my blessings.

  3. Nataly
    September 24, 2017 / 5:12 pm

    I love this post! What a great reminder!

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