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Today the Lord has blessed us with a beautiful snow day. So on this glorious white day I have the opportunity to sit down at my kitchen table, sip my warm black coffee and look out my windows and relax. I’m comfortable. ((And warm!! PTL))
As I sit here and ponder life, I realize that is kind of what Americans are all about. We strive to be comfortable. We live in an environment where people expect us to act certain ways, speak certain ways or do certain things. For example in the south, generally speaking, everyone goes to church Sunday mornings and tries to abide by the “Christian” morals. My pastor in Florida, Dean (from The Well Church) calls this “Southern Comfort.” Yes, in our eyes we think we are good Christians and glorifying the Lord. But are we living by these morals because we want to bring glory to the Lord? Or are we living this way because that is what’s comfortable and expected?
But the Bible tells us we should be living uncomfortably. In Luke chapters 5 & 9 and Mark chapter 2 (and many other locations) Jesus tells us we need to leave EVERYTHING and follow Him. If you ask me that doesn’t sound comfortable. Who wants to leave their family, friends, lifestyles and selfish ways? Especially in America where we all strive to achieve the American Dream, which revolves around Me, Myself and I. So what does it look like to be uncomfortable? Have I compartmentalized my life into where I feel comfortable practicing and sharing my faith and where I don’t? What is stopping me from reaching God’s potential for my life?

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”

             Hebrews 10:23-24

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